Monday, June 02, 2014

Writing an opinion essay!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our sixth activity. Please, post your comments before June  9th, 6 p.m.!

1. Answer the question: How to become a good teacher?

2. Use some of the ideas for writing you got from the last brainstorming activity done in class, related to the activity "the giving tree".

3. Write your opinion esssay in short paragraphs considering the suggested format. Include all the phrases and expressions proposed in the top tips for writing section. It must have 250 words at least.

4. Language use / writing aspects:

- Simple sentence structures in the tenses you decide.
- Useful vocabulary you need to express your ideas.
- Grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!

Someone I admire!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our fifth activity. Please, post your comments before June  4th, 2 p.m.!

1. Think
 about someone you admire the most.

2. Make a brainstorming to get some ideas for writing.

3. Write 4 paragraphs considering the suggested format (introduction, main idea, supporting ideas and conclusion). It must have 200 words at least.

4. Language use / writing aspects:

- Simple sentence structures in the tenses you decide.
- Useful vocabulary you need to express your ideas.
- Grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!

Monday, April 21, 2014

Creative writing starts!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our third activity. Please, post your comments before April 29th, 2 p.m.!

1. Go to the web link and watch the video (it was worked some classes ago).

2. Write your own version of the story. Try to use a short tale's writing structure: introduction, body and conclusion.

- Introduction: it usually offers something that changes / affects / motivates the characters of the story to overcome a situation.

- Body: it usually reveals how the characters move toward overcoming the situation.

- Conclusion: it has to do with facing one difficult choice and decides one correct option while working out of the situation.

3. Write a paragraph for each one of the parts mentioned above, giving your own ideas to tell your version of the story. It must have 250 words at least.

4. Prepare an oral report about it to be presented in the tutorial sessions (from april 29th to may 2nd), you just will have 2 1/2 minutes and it is expected you to say 45 sentences at least.

4. Language use / writing aspects:

- Simple sentence structures in the tenses you decide (The ones worked in last classes).
- Useful vocabulary you need to express your ideas.
- Grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Summarizing a personal reading!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our third activity! In this, you will write a summary retelling the book you have read. Post your comments before 
April 8th, 6 p.m.

* After reading the book from your own personal interest...

1. Summarize and rewrite a new version of that reading with your own words, using PRESENT SIMPLE. (300 words at least). Then...

++ Take the version you wrote in PRESENT TENSE, and rewrite it into PAST TENSE.

2. Include comments related to what you like the most or  what you do not like about it.

3. Prepare your first oral report about it, to be presented on march 21st, you just will have 2 minutes and it is expected you to say 50 sentences at least.

4. Language/writing aspects:

- Simple sentence structure: subject + verb + complement.
- Look for useful vocabulary you need.
- Check grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Writing about my reading interests in EFL!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our second activity! For this activity, you will write about your reading interests in English language. Post your comments before March 10th!

1. Choose a reading  from your own personal interest (80 pages at least as we agreed).

2. Write a creative composition (130 words at least), trying to give an answer to all the aspects or questions mention below:

a. The book's title and its author.

b. Why did you decide to read it?

c. What do you want to get out of it?

d. What reading strategies are you going to try? considering the last class reading "Reading strategies ideas".

e. Conclude your composition by answering: How do you consider that reading help you to develop your learning process?

3. Language/writing aspects:

- Simple sentence structure: subject + verb + complement.
- Look for useful vocabulary you need.
- Check grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Writing about my strengths and weaknesses!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our first activity. Please, post your comments before February 24th, 6 p.m!

1. Write a short self-presentation (name, interests, hobbies, etc).

2. Answer the following questions with your own ideas:

* Which are your strengths and weaknesses as foreign language learner?
* Which are your strengths and weaknesses when reading?
* Which are your strengths and weaknesses when writing?
* What strategies you do think you can use to foster your language learning, especially when talking about reading and writing skills?

Write a short and creative composition (120 words at least), using PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE in its affirmative and negative form.

4. Include linking words, such as: 
because of, in addition, on the other hand, to sum up. Use them in a coherent way in your text.

5. Language use / writing aspects:

- Present simple sentence structure.
- Useful vocabulary you need to express your ideas.
- Grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!