Friday, March 14, 2014

Summarizing a personal reading!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our third activity! In this, you will write a summary retelling the book you have read. Post your comments before 
April 8th, 6 p.m.

* After reading the book from your own personal interest...

1. Summarize and rewrite a new version of that reading with your own words, using PRESENT SIMPLE. (300 words at least). Then...

++ Take the version you wrote in PRESENT TENSE, and rewrite it into PAST TENSE.

2. Include comments related to what you like the most or  what you do not like about it.

3. Prepare your first oral report about it, to be presented on march 21st, you just will have 2 minutes and it is expected you to say 50 sentences at least.

4. Language/writing aspects:

- Simple sentence structure: subject + verb + complement.
- Look for useful vocabulary you need.
- Check grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!


    This story is about the great researcher Sherlock Holmes, is the end of the legendary saga, a unexpected end, full of intrigue, fear and much suspense.
    The story begin with the news about a horrible murder, in Whitechapel, a poor woman is murdered, her body is find in a dark street and no tracks in this case, is so mysterious and, of course, Holmes is interested in solves the mystery. He and his friend Dr Watson begin to investigate the case, and few days after, appears a new murder, other women, murdered horribly and in the crime scene is a frightening sign with the sentence : “time to rip” is terribly, people is so afraid and Holmes know who is the guilty, is the dreaded “jack the ripper”.
    Whitechapel’s people are so concerned, Holmes is passionate in the investigation and police trusts in Holmes. The researcher is confuses, the case is so complicated, facts are not clear, and “Jack the Ripper” is dangerous.
    Lestrade, a police inspector is so interests in the case and constantly go to the office of Holmes, he is anxious for get results, and the situation isn’t easy. They decide go to Whitechapel, is a dark, cold and spooky night, Dr Watson is afraid and Holmes walks in the solitary streets looking for evidence. This night, mournfully, appears a new victim, one woman, is cuts horribly and the saddest thing is she is pregnant.
    The night is so confused, Holmes disappears in the crime scene, and Dr Watson thinks that he is the guilty, he is concerned because her friend is a suspect in the case, and few days after, he no returns, in this time, Watson decides ask marriage to his girlfriend and they take a vacation and buy a new house. Dr Watson is happy with his wife, but is so sad for his friend.
    Few days after, a letter of Holmes arrive to Watson’s house, Holmes is ok, he is in a travel, investigating other cases, in the letter he writes his theory, the murderer is dead and apparently the mystery is solved, but, when Holmes back, he and Watson discover the truth, the murdered isn’t dead, and the situation is so difficult.
    Holmes and Watson decide travel and search evidence, they are in a mountain and every day the situation is more complicated, they are desperate, and after days, they consume cocaine, are so confused and the case is so difficult, finally they begin to discuss, are so angry, Holmes Thinks Watson is the culprit and threatens to kill him, but in a moment of clarity, rather die than kill his friend.


      I think you did a good job, you tried to consing every aspect related to the sherlock holmes story. the summary is complete and if i read it you have to be sure that i would like to read the book. just one thing and is that you have to be careful with do and does use. "he no returns - HE DOESN'T RETURN". But in general your writing is good.


    This story was about the great researcher Sherlock Holmes, was the end of the legendary saga, a unexpected end, full of intrigue, fear and much suspense.
    The story began with the news about a horrible murder, in Whitechapel, a poor woman was murdered, her body was find in a dark street and no tracks in this case, is so mysterious and, of course, Holmes was interested in solved the mystery. He and his friend Dr Watson began to investigate the case, and few days after, appeared a new murder, other women, murdered horribly and in the crime scene was a frightening sign with the sentence : “time to rip” was terribly, people was so afraid and Holmes knew who was the guilty, was the dreaded “jack the ripper”.
    Whitechapel’s people were so concerned; Holmes was passionate in the investigation and police trusted in Holmes. The researcher was confused, the case was so complicated, facts were not clear, and “Jack the Ripper” was dangerous.
    Lestrade, a police inspector was so interested in the case and constantly went to the office of Holmes, he was anxious for got results, and the situation was not easy. They decide went to Whitechapel, was a dark, cold and spooky night, Dr Watson was afraid and Holmes walked in the solitary streets looking for evidence. This night, mournfully, appeared a new victim, one woman, was cut horribly and the saddest thing was she was pregnant.
    The night was so confused, Holmes disappeared in the crime scene, and Dr Watson thought that he was the guilty, he was concerned because his friend was a suspect in the case, and few days after, he no returned, in that time, Watson decided asked marriage to his girlfriend and they take a vacation and buy a new house. Dr Watson was happy with his wife, but was so sad for his friend.
    Few days after, a letter of Holmes arrived to Watson’s house, Holmes was ok, he was in a travel, investigating other cases, in the letter he wrote his theory, the murderer was dead and apparently the mystery was solved, but, when Holmes back, he and Watson discovered the truth, the murdered was not dead, and the situation was so difficult.
    Holmes and Watson decided travel and searched evidence, they were in a mountain and every day the situation was more complicated, they were desperate, and after days, they consumed cocaine, were so confused and the case was so difficult, finally they began to discuss, were so angry, Holmes Thought Watson was the culprit and threatened to kill him, but in a moment of clarity, rather die than kill his friend.

  3. Summary (Present tense)
    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    The story starts when Mr. Enfield tells to his friend Mr. Utterson a strange event: a man who is smashed against a little girl in a corner and then the horrible guy walks over her. Mr. Utterson decides investigate who is that horrible man and why this man knows a respectable doctor like Dr. Jekyll; that monster is Edward Hyde, an unpleasant man in whose face looks the evil, he kills with his stick to an old man in the street and makes other horrible things in London.
    The Dr. Jekyll is a doctor very clever, he is a close friend of Mr. Utterson and for that reason the lawyer likes to help his friend with his strange relationship with Mr. Edward Hyde; along the text Mr. Utterson discovers many keys to permit him to know who Edward Hyde is.
    In the last chapters the lawyer obtains important documents from Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon (he is a Jekyll´s colleague), that papers have the answer of that mystery… who is Mr. Hyde? Why Dr. Jekyll feels worried and scared? Why one of his letters talks about “his disappearance”? And Why Dr. Jekyll protects somebody so disagreeable like Mr. Hyde?
    Mr. Utterson discovers that Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll are the same person; it happens due incredible potion invented by Dr. Jekyll, it permits the move out “other evil person inside”, the problem with that invention is that the evil side become more strong while Dr. Jekyll become more weak.
    Mr. Hyde is the despicable side of Dr. Jekyll and he can´t control him, so Edward does many horrible things and he enjoys it. Harry, fell in temptation and takes the potion continuously, with the time, Dr. Jekyll starts to fell regretful, but it´s later now Mr. Hyde had the power.
    Dr. Harry Jekyll makes a will, here the doctor gives his ownerships to Mr. Utterson, and finally, Dr. Jekyll commits suicide for eliminate Edward and his suffering.
    Summary (Past tense)
    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    The story started when Mr. Enfield told to his friend Mr. Utterson a strange event: a man who was smashed against a little girl in a corner and then the horrible guy walked over her. Mr. Utterson decided investigate who was that horrible man and why this man knew a respectable doctor like Dr. Jekyll; that monster was Edward Hyde, an unpleasant man in whose face looked the evil, he killed with his stick to an old man in the street and made other horrible things in London.
    The Dr. Jekyll was a doctor very clever, he was a close friend of Mr. Utterson and for that reason the lawyer liked to help his friend with his strange relationship with Mr. Edward Hyde; along the text Mr. Utterson discovered many keys to permit him to know who Edward Hyde was.
    In the last chapters the lawyer obtained important documents from Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon (he was a Jekyll´s colleague), that papers had the answer of that mystery… who was Mr. Hyde? Why Dr. Jekyll felt worried and scared? Why one of his letters talked about “his disappearance”? And Why Dr. Jekyll protected somebody so disagreeable like Mr. Hyde?
    Mr. Utterson discovered that Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll were the same person; it happens due incredible potion invented by Dr. Jekyll, it permitted the move out “other evil person inside”, the problem with that invention is that the evil side became more strong while Dr. Jekyll became more weak.
    Mr. Hyde was the despicable side of Dr. Jekyll and he could not control him, so Edward did many horrible things and he enjoyed it. Harry, felt in temptation and took the potion continuously, with the time, Dr. Jekyll started to fell regretful, but it´s later Mr. Hyde had the power.
    Dr. Harry Jekyll makes a will; here the doctor gives his ownerships to Mr. Utterson, and finally, Dr. Jekyll committed suicide for eliminate Edward and his suffering.


    Our travel has arrived near London late. He takes the underground and finds and expensive hotel, called “Crescent Hotel”. Next day, he looks for a cheaper one; this is “Lovedales” bed and breakfast. It is raining yet, but he likes going to the London´s Tower. He sees London underground map, triumph of graphic design. There, he knows the ravens, the crown´s jewels, and the biggest diamond of the world; only Thomas Blood has tried to steal them. One day after, he goes to Oxford Street for buying something; at the restaurant, he knows Tom, a new Australian friend.
    In St Paul´s Cathedral, they are impressed with its dome. Now, they find the Hyde Park, there are a Marble Arch, and the speaker´s corner trying to convince skeptical audiences about their ideas. Near Piccadilly Circus is the Museum of mankind. On the Victorian Embankment next to the river Thames, there is a large obelisk. They go to the Science Museum; one of the best parts is the Launch Pad Gallery where you can touch and play with things .Before half past four, they must go to the Natural History Museum, today is free, and there are dinosaurs the real size, earth gallery and experience of earthquake. They go into the Kensington Garden; also they say about Kensington Roof Gardens, this is the largest in Europe.
    Tom and our guest find the Trafalgar Square; there, they see the Admiral Nelson Statue, he beats Napoleon ship in the Battle of Trafalgar. Now, they are into St James´s Park; the park is a nature reserves where are over 30 different varieties of bird. They drink tea English style.
    They eat the typical food in England; it is roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with boiled vegetables and gravy.
    From the pub, they see the famous clock tower next to the houses of Parliament. They come to the Westminster Abbey, in this place, the queens and kings are crowned. Now, they walk on the street called Whitehall, where there are many government offices. They speak about the Bank of England: the vaults full with water if anyone without authority tries to enter.
    Out traveler says good bye tom. After he crashes with a cyclist because he used to walking on the right way; the English people are used to walking on the left. His treatment is free, because countries of European Community don´t have to pay.
    At night, they have a fancy dress party, when they come in, none of them is wearing fancy dress; Tom is wrong of day. The fancy dress party will be tomorrow, but Tom´s friend say to them another party. In that place they enjoy yourselves enormously; until a policewoman come in, and Tom is arrested.
    Our traveler is already sad. Tomorrow is the last day in London. A next day Tom is released. They have the last cup of English tea together. They promise to write each other. Sadly, he takes his bags into the underground station and catches the train to Heathrow Airport.
    COMMENT: I hope a single day I get to know London. Its ancient arquitecture, its natural parks, theaters, cinemas, museums and history those big aspects turn London into a wonderful place for visiting.

    Our traveler arrived to London. He took the underground and found and expensive hotel “Crescent Hotel”. Next day he looked for a cheaper one called “Lovedales” bed and breakfast. While it was raining yet, he went to the London´s Tower. He saw London underground map, triumph of graphic design. There, he knew the ravens, the crown´s jewels, and the biggest diamond of the world, only Thomas Blood has tried to steal them. One day after, he went to Oxford Street and bought something; when he was at the restaurant, he knew Tom, a new Australian friend.
    In St Paul´s Cathedral, they were impressed with its dome. They found the Hyde Park; there are a Marble Arch, and the speaker´s corner trying to convince skeptical audiences of their ideas. Near Piccadilly Circus is the Museum of mankind. On the Victorian Embankment, next to the river Thames, there is a large obelisk. They went to the Science Museum; one of the best parts is the Launch Pad Gallery where you can touch and play with things. They had to go to the Natural History Museum, there are dinosaurs the real size, earth gallery and experience of earthquake. They went into the Kensington Garden; also, they spoke about Kensington Roof Gardens, this is the largest in Europe.
    Tom and our guest found the Trafalgar Square; there, they saw the Admiral Nelson Statue, he beats Napoleon ship in the Battle of Trafalgar. They were into St James´s Park; the park is a nature reserves where are over 30 different varieties of bird. They drank tea English Style.
    They ate the typical food in England. It was roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with boiled vegetables and gravy.
    From the pub, they saw the famous Clock Tower next to the Houses of Parliament. They came in the Westminster Abbey, in this place, the queens and kings are crowned. They walked on the street called Whitehall, there are many government offices. They spoke about the Bank of England: the vaults are full with water if anyone without authority tries to enter.
    Out traveler said good bye Tom. After he crashed with a cyclist because he used to walking on the right way; the English people are used to walking on the left. His treatment was free, because countries of European Community don´t have to pay.
    At night, they had a fancy dress party, when they came in, none of them was wearing fancy dress; Tom was wrong of day. Tom´s friend said to them another party. In that place they enjoyed yourselves enormously; until a policewoman came in, and Tom was arrested.
    Our traveler was already sad. Tom was released. They had the last cup of English tea together. They promised to write each other. Sadly, he took his bags into the underground station and caught the train to Heathrow Airport.


    In this book the protagonist is a boy,his name is tip, who for as long as he can remember has been under the guardianship of a witch,her name is Mombi (who is the main antagonist) in Gillikin Country. As Mombi is returning home, Tip plans to frighten her with a scarecrow he has made. Since he hasn´t straw available, Tip instead makes a man out of wood and gives him a pumpkin for a head, naming him Jack Pumpkinhead. Mombi isn´t fooled, and she takes this opportunity to demonstrate the Powder of life that she buy from another sorcerer. She sprinkles the powder on Jack, bringing him to life and startling Tip, whom Mombi catches and threatens to turn into a marble statue.
    Tip leaves with Jack that night and steals the Powder of life cause Mombi plans to turn him into a marble statue in the morning. As they head for the Emerald City, Tip uses the Powder of life to animate the Sawhorse so Jack can ride him. Tip loses them as the tireless Sawhorse gallops faster and he meets with General jinjur´s all-girl Army of Revolt which is planning to overthrow the Scarecrow . Marching with the Army, Tip meets again with Jack, the Sawhorse, and now the Scarecrow as they flee the Emerald City in Jinjur's wake.
    Suddenly the companions arrive at the castle of the Tin Woodman and plan to retake the Emerald City. On their way back, they are diverted by the magic of Mombi, joined by the Highly Magnified and Thoroughly Educated Woggle-bug, and aided by the Field Mice and their queen. Jinjur and her soldiers are scared by the Field Mice out of the main palace, but they still occupy the Emerald City itself. The Scarecrow proposes manufacturing a flying beast call a Gump by which they can escape through the air. Tip animates this collection of palace furniture with the Powder of life, and they fly off, with no control over their direction, out of Oz and land in a nest of Jackdaws with all of the birds' stolen goods.
    But in their unsuccessful attempt to drive the Jackdaws from their sanctuary, the Scarecrow's straw is taken away and the Gump's wings are broken. Using the Wishing Pills, they discover with the Powder of life, Tip and his friends escape and journey to the palace of Glinda the good Witch. They learn from Glinda that a girl named Ozma is hidden by the Wizard of Oz long ago and that she is the rightful ruler of the Emerald City, not the Scarecrow . Glinda discover that the Wizard make three visits to Mombi, but not what they are for. She therefore accompanies Tip, Jack, the Sawhorse, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Woggle-bug, and the Gump back to the Emerald City to see Mombi. The witch tries to deceive them by disguising a chambermaid as herself , but manages to elude them as they search for her in the Emerald City. Just as their time runs out, the Tin Woodman plucks a rose to wear in his lapel, unaware that this is the transformed Mombi.
    Glinda discovers the deception right away and leads the pursuit of Mombi, who is finally caught as she tries to run across the Deadly Desert in the form of a fast and long-running Griffin . Under pressure from Glinda, Mombi admits that the Wizard bring her the infant Ozma and that she use her magic to transform her into the boy Tip. At first, Tip is shocked to learn this, but Glinda and his friends help him to accept his destiny, and Mombi performs her last spell.
    Then and finally. . . Ozma leads her friends in retaking the Emerald City. The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow, now stuffed with paper money that is worthless in Oz except as stuffing, return to Winkie Country with Jack Pumpkinhead, the Gump is disassembled at his request, Glinda returns to her palace in Quadling Country, the Woggle-bug remains as Ozma's advisor, and the Sawhorse becomes Ozma's personal steed.

    1. Hi John
      I think that your text is very good, you are so specific and clear, when i read your summary, i think that the book that you choose is an excellent book, the story is so interesting and the characters are so intriguing.
      your drafting is so good, maybe you need new vocabulary, but in general you are a great writer.
      Good job, and keep writing! :D


    In this book the protagonist was a boy, named Tip, who for as long as he could remember had been under the guardianship of a witch named Mombi (who is the main antagonist) in Gillikin Country. As Mombi was returning home, Tip planed to frighten her with a scarecrow he had made. Since he hadn´t straw available, Tip instead made a man out of wood and gives him a pumpkin for a head, naming him Jack Pumpkinhead. Mombi wasn´t fooled, and she took this opportunity to demonstrate the Powder of life that she bought from another sorcerer. She sprinkled the powder on Jack, bringing him to life and startling Tip, whom Mombi caught and threatens to turn into a marble statue.
    Tip left with Jack that night and stole the Powder of life cause Mombi planed to turn him into a marble statue in the morning. As they head for the Emerald City, Tip used the Powder of life to animate the Sawhorse so Jack could ride him. Tip lost them as the tireless Sawhorse gallops faster and he met with General jinjur´s all-girl Army of Revolt which was planning to overthrow the Scarecrow . Marching with the Army, Tip met again with Jack, the Sawhorse, and now the Scarecrow as they fled the Emerald City in Jinjur's wake.
    Suddenly the companions arrived at the castle of the Tin Woodman and planed to retake the Emerald City. On their way back, they were diverted by the magic of Mombi, joined by the Highly Magnified and Thoroughly Educated Woggle-bug, and aided by the Field Mice and their queen. Jinjur and her soldiers were scared by the Field Mice out of the main palace, but they still occupy the Emerald City itself. The Scarecrow proposes manufacturing a flying beast called a Gump by which they could escape through the air. Tip animates this collection of palace furniture with the Powder of life, and they flew off, with no control over their direction, out of Oz and land in a nest of Jackdaws with all of the birds' stolen goods.
    But in their unsuccessful attempt to drive the Jackdaws from their sanctuary, the Scarecrow's straw was taken away and the Gump's wings were broken. Using the Wishing Pills, they discovered with the Powder of life, Tip and his friends escaped and journey to the palace of Glinda the good Witch. They learned from Glinda that a girl named Ozma was hidden by the Wizard of Oz long ago and that she was the rightful ruler of the Emerald City, not the Scarecrow . Glinda discovered that the Wizard made three visits to Mombi, but not what they were for. She therefore accompanies Tip, Jack, the Sawhorse, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Woggle-bug, and the Gump back to the Emerald City to see Mombi. The witch tried to deceive them by disguising a chambermaid as herself , but manages to elude them as they searched for her in the Emerald City. Just as their time ran out, the Tin Woodman plucked a rose to wear in his lapel, unaware that this was the transformed Mombi.
    Glinda discovered the deception right away and leaded the pursuit of Mombi, who was finally caught as she tried to run across the Deadly Desert in the form of a fast and long-running Griffin . Under pressure from Glinda, Mombi admited that the Wizard brought her the infant Ozma and that she used her magic to transform her into the boy Tip. At first, Tip was shocked to learn this, but Glinda and his friends helped him to accept his destiny, and Mombi performed her last spell.
    Then and finally. . . Ozma leaded her friends in retaking the Emerald City. The Tin Woodman and the Scarecrow, now stuffed with paper money that was worthless in Oz except as stuffing, return to Winkie Country with Jack Pumpkinhead, the Gump was disassembled at his request, Glinda returned to her palace in Quadling Country, the Woggle-bug remained as Ozma's advisor, and the Sawhorse becames Ozma's personal steed.


    This story begins with the birth of George Gordon in 1788 in London. His parents are a noble but poor family. His father's name is Jack, he is a bad man because he is married to Byron's mother for money. After several conflicts, Jack decides to take money from his wife and he travels to France.

    After some years, Byron discovers an uniformity in his foot and then the death of his uncle, Byron becomes a Lord. He convinces to his friend Hobhouse to start a trip. They arrive to Portugal and Greece and while this time, Byron writes letters to her mother, poems and adventures of the things that happen every day. They return to England in March 1881 and Byron writes a famous poem, which tells about the places he knows.

    When Byron returns to London, his mother dies. After this event, he writes his second famous poem. In the summer of that year, Byron meets to Annabella Milbanke, she is a beautiful and intelligent woman. On 2nd January 1815, they marry. However, months later, he discovers Annabella is pregnant but he shows no interest in having a child. Annabella thinks is best to leave Byron and back to live in her parents' house with her daughter Adda. For this reason, they are divorced and Byron decides to leave England on April 27, 1816.

    Lord Byron travels to Belgium and he meets Shelley, a famous poet. After many adventures, he writes a poem, which says that people who are in love are stupid. Byron decides to go to a party where he meets Guiccioli Teresa who is married. Then, they visit Teresa's father and convince him to annul her marriage. Shelley visits to Byron and he proposes to live in Pisa. Byron lives in Pisa with Teresa but his friend Shelley dies because his ship had an accident. One morning, Byron speaks with Teresa and tells her he wants to travel to Greece to achieve freedom in this country; for this reason, Byron decides to borrow some money and he leaves Pisa in 1823.

    During the trip to Greece, Byron meets to Trelawny and both decide to stay in the Cephalonia Island for a few weeks until Trelawny decides to continue their journey to Athens. On January 5, 1824 Byron travels to Missolonghi and he joins to the Prince Mavrocordatos to plan attacks against the Turks.

    After three months, Byron receives an important mission: to attack a castle. The next day, he feels ill, for this reason, the Prince calls the doctor but in the course of the night, Byron feels worse and April 19, 1824 at six p.m. Byron dies. Many people are sad with the news because they consider Lord Byron as a hero and others rejoice because they think that Byron must die.

    This is a very interesting story because it narrates the life of a great poet. It shows the adventures, achievements and failures of a person who wants to change the world and achieve a better society. I think that it is an inspiration to many people because it allows us to think about the great events of history. This reading is one of my favorites because it allows me to reflect on the obstacles which can present; this also shows how a normal man can fulfill all your dreams.


    This story began with the birth of George Gordon in 1788 in London. His parents were a noble but poor family. His father's name was Jack, he was a bad man because he married to Byron's mother for money. After several conflicts, Jack decided to take money from his wife and he traveled to France.

    After some years, Byron discovered an uniformity in his foot and then the death of his uncle, Byron became a Lord. He convinced to his friend Hobhouse and they started a trip. They arrived to Portugal and Greece and while this time, Byron wrote letters to her mother, poems and adventures of the things that happened every day. They returned to England in March 1881 and Byron wrote a famous poem, which told about the places he knew.

    When Byron returned to London, his mother died. After this event, he wrote his second famous poem. In the summer of that year, Byron met to Annabella Milbanke, she was a beautiful and intelligent woman. On 2nd January 1815, they married. However, months later, he discovered Annabella was pregnant but he showed no interest in having a child. Annabella thought was best to leave Byron and back to live in her parents' house with her daughter Adda. For this reason, they divorced and he decided to leave England on April 27, 1816.

    Lord Byron traveled to Belgium and he met Shelley, a famous poet. After many adventures, he wrote a poem, which said that people who was in love are stupid. Byron decided to go to a party where he met Guiccioli Teresa who was married. Then, they visited Teresa's father and convinced him to annul her marriage. In those days, Shelley visited to Byron and he proposed to live in Pisa. Byron lived in Pisa with Teresa but his friend Shelley died because his ship had an accident. One morning, Byron spoke with Teresa and told her he wanted to travel to Greece to achieve freedom in this country; for that reason, Byron decided to borrow some money and he left Pisa in 1823.

    During the trip to Greece, Byron met to Trelawny and both decided to stay in the Cephalonia Ssland for a few weeks until Trelawny decided to continue their journey to Athens. On January 5, 1824 Byron traveled to Missolonghi and he joined to the Prince Mavrocordatos to plan attacks against the Turks.

    After three months, Byron received an important mission: to attack a castle. The next day, he felt ill, for that reason, the Prince called the doctor but in the course of the night, Byron felt worse and April 19, 1824 at six p.m. Byron died. Many people were sad with the news because they considered Lord Byron as a hero and others rejoiced because they thought that Byron must die.

    This was a very interesting story because it narrated the life of a great poet. It showed the adventures, achievements and failures of a person who wanted to change the world and achieved a better society. It was an inspiration to many people because it allowed us to think about the great events of history. This reading was one of my favorites because it allowed me to reflect on the obstacles which can present; this also showed how a normal man could fulfill all your dreams.



    The story begins in a very nice and elegant hotel in Vevey, Switzerland, to this hotel arrives Winterbourne, a handsome American boy than lives in Geneva, he arrives at the hotel because on it is his aunt, who is very ill and is stays in the room, while Winterbourne leaves the garden, he is having coffee when a child arrives to ask for sugar, he gives the sugar to child and immediately realize that it is also American, and start talking about it; when they are talking about this, the child tells comes his sister, when the girl is coming, sits beside the lake to admire the scenery, then winterbourne approaches her , and slowly start to talk, he asks the name of her to her brother, and he says she is called Daisy Miller, but this is not her real name, they continue talking and get to go together to the castle Chillon.

    Winterbourne wants to introduce Daisy to his aunt, she refuses and tells him that those people are vulgar, and tells him not to get together with them, but Winterbourne disregards ; night in Daisy is back and they speak a while, she introduces him to her mother, and she tell her that they will go together to the castle. They go together to the castle, and she tells him that she wants than he goes to Rome with them; he says he cannot, but she says he has going to Rome in winter.
    In Rome they find, again, Daisy is giving a lot to talk in Rome, however Winterbourne, follow searching to Daisy; she is going out with an Italian handsome, his name is Giovaneli.

    She’s an innocent girl, and doesn't see anything wrong in her personality; Winterbourne tries to warn her, than her behavior doesn't see well before the society. Finally she dies, because of a strong fever, for going out very late in the nights.

    I find this book well, at first I don’t understand much, because it has many new words for me, but I find interesting the plot and structure in general. This book is a good option to read, because is easy for reading, and you can read in a day this book.


    The story began in a very nice and elegant hotel in Vevey, Switzerland, to this hotel arrived Winterbourne, a handsome American boy he lived in Geneva, he arrived at the hotel because on it was his aunt, who was very ill, and was stayed in the room, while Winterbourne left the garden, he was having coffee when a child arrived to ask for sugar, he gave the sugar to child and immediately realized that it was also American, and started talking about it; and when they were talked about this; the child told than came his sister, when the girl was coming, sat beside the lake to admire the scenery, then winterbourne approached her , and slowly started to talk, he asked the name of her to her brother, and he said she was called Daisy Miller, but this wasn't her real name, they continued talking, and there were going together to the castle Chillon.

    Winterbourne wanted to introduce Daisy to his aunt, she refused and told him that those people were vulgar, and told him not to got together with them, but Winterbourne disregarded; night in Daisy was back and they spoke a while, she introduced him to her mother, and she told her that they were going together to the castle. They went together to the castle, and she told him that she wanted than he went to Rome with them; he said he cannot, but she said than he had to go to Rome in winter.

    In Rome they found, again, Daisy was giving a lot to talk in Rome, however Winterbourne, followed searching to Daisy; she was going out with an Italian handsome, his name was Giovaneli.
    She was an innocent girl, and didn't see anything wrong in her personality; Winterbourne tried to warn her, than her behavior didn't saw well before the society. Finally she died, because of a strong fever, for went out very late in the nights.

    1. Hi, Angie!!

      5- it/he
      6- tells comes his sister/tells to his sister, come!
      8- start/ starts
      10-Castle Chillon/Chillon castle
      13-night in Daisy is back and they speak a while/At night, Daisy back and talk for a few minutes
      16: he says he cannot/he says: "I can not"
      18-follow/follows Italian handsome/ handsome Italian
      24-I find this book well/I think this book is good at first/at the beginning

      Angie, in this case you have the same Grammar mistakes.
      You have all the well written verbs in the past tense.

      Pretty job!

    This story was about a war between the French and the British in North America in 1757. This fight was the white men against Indians, all the story didn´t true but the author wrote about war and love too because he wanted that the women read the book and enjoy it.
    The main character is Uncas who was the last of the Mohican if Chingachgook his father, the Mohican Indians chief, died.
    The story begins when the colonel Munro decided to saw her daughters: Alice and Cora so they decided visited him and they had to travel with Fort William Henry, Ford Edward, Howkeye who was a friend of the Mohicans and Magua, he was an Indian that showed them the right road.
    This war began when the Dutch arrived and gave fair-water at all the Indian and all tribes began to die; at that moment that to survived few Indians.
    The British thought that Magua was a good Indian so they believed that he can showed the right way, for this reason they followed him to take a short cut.
    When Alice, Cora and her companions arrived at the waterfall the men decided that the daughters of colonel Munro and Howkeye went up to the river in the canoe, they arrived then they to hide across the river, because the Hurons, the other tribe of Indian shoot against them because they want kill them, because they are with French and they wanted kill all the British; so the British fired their guns too.
    When the fire stoped, the Hurons took the people like their prisoner and Magua didn´t help them and instead He fought them, then he told them why he wanted revenge.
    Magua wanted took Cora as his wife, but if she didn´t want he kill Cora, at that time a man appears with bearskin, a friend of Magua kill Cora and Magua felled anger so he kill his Friend and the man in the bearskin kill Magua.




    Forrest Gump is born with a low intelligence, so he sees the world from a different perspective. He is a young idiot, how he himself described, still, has a pretty interesting life. It all starts when Forrest is a child by act differently to others , many children spoof and beat him , and his mother decided to change it to a special school (or how Forrest says : school for retarded )
    Then , when one day he walks down the street , a mysterious driver asks if he know to play football. Forrest is surprised and feels lost when he hear the question, so he answer yes. And that's when he starts to learn to play football and becomes a star.
    When he comes of age, after taking some tests, he is sent to the army. There he meets Bubba, who is his best friend and that he plans to make a business selling shrimp because Bubba is very fond. Unfortunately Bubba dies in the war and this saddens Forrest. Forrest wins again thanks to his bravery in the Vietnam War, receives a medal from the President and becomes a hero. Over the years he make many more things : plays harmonica in the group of her friend Jenny , travels to NASA whit an ape, plays chess championships and with that earns a lot of money.


    Forrest Gump was born with a low intelligence , so he saw the world from a different perspective. He was a young idiot, how he himself described , still had a pretty interesting life. All start when Forrest was a child. By act differently to others , many children spoof and beat him , and his mother decided to change it to a special school (or how Forrest said school for retarded ) .

    Then one day when he walked down the street , a mysterious driver asked if could play football. Forrest was surprised and felt lost when he hear the question, so he said yes. And that's when he started to learn to play football and became a star .
    When he was already an adult, after taking some tests , he was sent to the army. There he met Bubba , who was his best friend and with him, he make a plan to a business selling shrimp because Bubba was very fond . Unfortunately Bubba died in that war and that saddened Forrest. Forrest win again thanks to his bravery in the Vietnam War , received a medal from the president and became a hero.
    Over the years he made many more things : he played the harmonica in the band of his friend Jenny , he traveled to NASA with an ape, I played chess championships won with that much money.

    1. Hello Wendy!
      Your summary is fine, however I think that you could be careful with the verbs in your summary in present tense, for example: " he sees the world from a ..." "how he himself described, still, has a pretty interesting life."; also is important remember to use the object pronouns, for example in the sentence "a mysterious driver asks if he know ..." you colud say ""a mysterious driver asks him if he know...". Bye Wendy.

    “The last of the Mohican” his author is James Cooper.
    This story is about a war between the French and the British in North America in 1757. This fight is the white men against Indians, all the story doesn´t true but the author write about war and love too because he want that the women read the book and enjoy it.
    The main character is Uncas who is the last of the Mohican if Chingachgook his father, the Mohican Indians chief, die.
    The story begins when the colonel Munro decides to see her daughters: Alice and Cora so they decide visit him and they have to travel with Fort William Henry, Ford Edward, Howkeye who is a friend of the Mohicans and Magua, he is an Indian that shows them the right road.
    This war begin when the Dutch arrive and give fair-water at all the Indian and all tribes begin to die; at that moment that to survive few Indians.
    The British think that Magua is good Indian so they believe that he can show the right way, for this reason they follow him to take a short cut.
    When Alice, Cora and her companions arrive at the waterfall the men decide that the daughters of colonel Munro and Howkeye go up to the river in the canoe, they arrive then they to hide across the river, because the Hurons, the other tribe of Indian shot against them because they want kill them, because they are with French and they want kill all the British; so the British fire their guns too.
    When the fire stop, the Hurons take the people like their prisoner and Magua don´t help them and instead He fight them, then he tell them why he want revenge.
    Magua want take Cora as his wife, but if she doesn´t want he kill Cora, at that time a man appears with bearskin, a friend of Magua kill Cora and Magua fell anger so he kill his Friend and the man in the bearskin kill Magua.

  14. Laura Katherine Silva Nova4/08/2014 3:59 pm


    One day in october, a very nice,handsome, tall, clean, well-dress, Smart private detective arrives at the General Sternwoods´ house, his name is Philip Marlowe, he is here, because he is going to do an investigation for the General. The investigation is about a blackmailing towards the General. This blackmailing goes explicate by the General, so he says to Marlowe: nine or ten months ago , I pay a man call Joe Brody 5.000 dollars to leave my younger daughter Carmen alone, but I receive a mail in which someone demands me to pay 1.000 dollars to Arthur Guyn Geiger to leave quite to my daughter Vivian and finally I want you help me to find to Rusty Regan, the last husband of Vivien, who disappear one day. The detective accepts the case and starts to work inmediately.
    Marlow goes to the Arthur Gwynn Geiger´s bookstore, in this store Geiger is blackmailing their customers and the detective chase him to his house. In the Geiger´s house Marlowe hears shooting, he runs and see to Geiger dead and Mrs. Carmen drugg, but the Geiger´s body disappear. The chief of research Bernie Ohls and the detective Marlowe discover a car into the sea with a dead man, who is Owen Taylor, the Sternwoods family´s driver. Marlowe returns to the Geiger´s house, and is there Mr. Carmen, she is looking a photo that Arthur has taken to blackmailing, and she confesses her love for him. While come Eddie Mars, who threatens them with a gun and asks them where is Mr. Geiger.
    Ms. Carmen tells to the detective that Mr. Joe Brody is the murderer of Mr. Geiger; suddenly, she pulls out a gun and threatens him to hand over the photos that he has taken. Mr. Joe inmediately, takes the photos and give her. He confesses that Owen Taylor has killed to Mr. Geiger and has taken pictures of Ms. Carmen, but he has recover. At that time an unknown man enters to the house and kills to Mr. Joe. Then, the detective catch him and discovers that his name is Carol Lundgreen. Mr. Carol has the Mr. Geiger´s body at home, because they are good friends.
    Marlowe begins the search to Rusty Regan, he discovers that after Mr. Regan disappears,his car is found near to the Mr.Mona´s house, wife of Eddie Mars,but since those days she also has disappeared. The next day when the detective arrives at his office, a man named Harry Jones tells him where is Mr. Mona. Then Marlowe follows him and see that the murderer Mr. Canino Kills him without any conversation and flees. After, Marlowe come to the Mr. Mona´s house, but in this place is Mr. Canino, who beats him and ties him. With the help of Mr. Mona, the detective escapes but in the crossfire Mr. Canino dies.
    Marlowe returns to the General´s house, Mr. Steernwoods pays him for discovering the blackmailing, but he tells him to keep looking for Rusty Regan. when the detective leaves the house, Mr. Carmen tells him to teach her how to shoot; suddenly she starts to shoot to the detective but the bullets do not hurt him. At that time,Philipe Marlowe discoveres all truth: Owen Taylor is in love with Ms. Carmen and he kills to Mr. Geiger to not follows her blackmailing. Mr, Carol kills to Mr Joe, because he thinks that he has kills to his friend. Mr. Eddie hides his wife for everyone think that Rusty Regan loves her and she has run away with him. finally, Ms. Carmen and Mr. Vivien kill to Rusty Regan because they do not want that he to stay with their fortune.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Laura your book is very interesting. I like the stories of plot and action. The main character is the best private detective. Good election!. Your grammar is good. Your writing invited us to read the book “Big Sleep”. Finally your presentation was very clear and comprehensible. My only advice for you is review the punctuation rules.
      Well done!

  15. Laura Katherine Silva Nova4/08/2014 4:08 pm


    One day in october, a very nice,handsome, tall, clean, well-dressed, Smart private detective arrived at the General Sternwoods´ house, his name was Philip Marlowe, he was here, because he was going to do an investigation for the General. The investigation was about a blackmailing towards the General. This blackmailing went explicated by the General, so he said to Marlowe: nine or ten months , I paid a man called Joe Brody 5.000 dollars left my younger daughter Carmen alone, but I received a mail in which someone demands me to pay 1.000 dollars to Arthur Guyn Geiger left quite to my daughter Vivian and finally I wanted you help me to found to Rusty Regan, the last husband of Vivien, who disappeared one day. The detective accepted the case and started to work inmediately.

    Marlow went to the Arthur Gwynn Geiger´s bookstore, in this store Geiger was blackmailing their customers and the detective chased him to his house. In the Geiger´s house Marlowe heard shooting, he ran and saw to Geiger dead and Mr. Carmen drugged, but the Geiger´s body disappeared. The chief of research Bernie Ohls and the detective Marlowe discovered a car into the sea with a dead man, who was Owen Taylor, the Sternwoods family´s driver. Marlowe returned to the Geiger´s house, and was there Mr. Carmen, she was looking a photo that Arthur had taken to blackmailing, and she confessed her love for him. while came Eddie Mars, who threatened them with a gun and asked them where was Mr. Geiger.

    Ms. Carmen told to the detective that Mr. Joe Brody was the murdered of Mr. Geiger; suddenly, she pulled out a gun and threatened him to hand over the photos that he had taken. Mr. Joe inmediately, took the photos and gave her. He confessed that Owen Taylor had killed to Mr. Geiger and had taken pictures of Ms. Carmen, but he had recovered. At that time an unknown man entered to the house and killled to Mr. Joe. Then, the detective caught him and discovered that his name was Carol Lundgreen. Mr. Carol had the Mr. Geiger´s body at home, because they were good friends.
    Marlowe began the search to Rusty Regan, he discovered that after Mr. Regan disappeared,his car was found near to the Mr.Mona´s house, wife of Eddie Mars,but since those days she also had disappeared. the next day when the detective arrived al his office, a man named Harry Jones told him where was Mr. Mona. then Marlowe followed him and saw that the murderer Mr. Canino Killed him without any conversation and fled. after, Marlowe came to the Mr. Mona´s house, but in this place was Mr. Canino, who beat him and tied him. With the help of Mr. Mona, the detective escaped but in the crossfire Mr. Canino died.
    Marlowe returned to the General´s house, Mr. Steernwoods paid him for discovering the blackmailing, but he told him to keep looking for Rusty Regan. when the detective left the house, Mr. Carmen told him to teach her how to shoot; suddenly she started to shoot to the detectivebut the bullets do not hurt him. At that time,hilipe Marlowe discovered all truth: Owen Taylor was in love with Ms. Carmen and he killed to Mr. Geigerto not follow her blackmailing. Mr, Carol killed to Mr Joe, because he thought that he had killed to his friend. Mr. Eddir hid his wife for everyone thought that Rusty Regan loved her and she had ran awaywith him. finally, Ms. Carmen and Mr. Vivien killed to Rusty Regan because they did not want that he stayed with their fortune.

  16. Summary (Present tense)
    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    The story starts when Mr. Enfield tells to his friend Mr. Utterson a strange event: a man who is smashed against a little girl in a corner and then the horrible guy walks over her. Mr. Utterson decides to investigate who is that horrible man and why this man knows a respectable doctor like Dr. Jekyll; that monster is Edward Hyde, an unpleasant man in whose face looks the evil, he kills with his stick to an old man in the street and makes other horrible things in London.
    The Dr. Jekyll is a doctor very clever, he is a close friend of Mr. Utterson and for that reason the lawyer likes to help his friend with his strange relationship with Mr. Edward Hyde; along the text Mr. Utterson discovers many keys to permit him to know who Edward Hyde is.
    In the last chapters the lawyer obtains important documents from Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon (he is a Jekyll´s colleague), that papers have the answer of that mystery… who is Mr. Hyde? Why Dr. Jekyll feels worried and scared? Why one of his letters talks about “his disappearance”? And Why Dr. Jekyll protects somebody so disagreeable like Mr. Hyde?
    Mr. Utterson discovers that Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll are the same person; it happens due incredible potion invented by Dr. Jekyll, it permits the move out “other evil person inside”, the problem with that invention is that the evil side become stronger while Dr. Jekyll become weak.
    Mr. Hyde is the despicable side of Dr. Jekyll and he can´t control him, so Edward does many horrible things and he enjoys it. Harry, fell in temptation and takes the potion continuously, with the time, Dr. Jekyll starts to fell regretful, but it´s later now Mr. Hyde had the power.
    Dr. Harry Jekyll makes a will, here the doctor gives his ownerships to Mr. Utterson, and finally, Dr. Jekyll commits suicide for eliminate Edward and his suffering.
    Summary (Past tense)
    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    The story started when Mr. Enfield told to his friend Mr. Utterson a strange event: a man who was smashed against a little girl in a corner and then the horrible guy walked over her. Mr. Utterson decided investigate who was that horrible man and why this man knew a respectable doctor like Dr. Jekyll; that monster was Edward Hyde, an unpleasant man in whose face looked the evil, he killed with his stick to an old man in the street and made other horrible things in London.
    The Dr. Jekyll was a doctor very clever, he was a close friend of Mr. Utterson and for that reason the lawyer liked to help his friend with his strange relationship with Mr. Edward Hyde; along the text Mr. Utterson discovered many keys to permit him to know who Edward Hyde was.
    In the last chapters the lawyer obtained important documents from Dr. Jekyll and Dr. Lanyon (he was a Jekyll´s colleague), that papers had the answer of that mystery… who was Mr. Hyde? Why Dr. Jekyll felt worried and scared? Why one of his letters talked about “his disappearance”? And Why Dr. Jekyll protected somebody so disagreeable like Mr. Hyde?
    Mr. Utterson discovered that Mr. Hyde and Dr. Jekyll were the same person; it happens due incredible potion invented by Dr. Jekyll, it permitted the move out “other evil person inside”, the problem with that invention is that the evil side became stronger while Dr. Jekyll became weak.
    Mr. Hyde was the despicable side of Dr. Jekyll and he could not control him, so Edward did many horrible things and he enjoyed it. Harry, felt in temptation and took the potion continuously, with the time, Dr. Jekyll started to fell regretful, but it´s later Mr. Hyde had the power.
    Dr. Harry Jekyll makes a will; here the doctor gives his ownerships to Mr. Utterson, and finally, Dr. Jekyll committed suicide for eliminate Edward and his suffering.

    1. hello ¡yamile!
      your story is very curious ,but there are parts of the text, where I can't understood very well. however is a exercise the writing where we can progress. your text had many punctuation marks ;making more nice the reading.I like your story because we put to fly our imagination ; we can give imaginatives answers for to make mora funny the story.Other thing in this story;,the most main is the investigation ; is like a game where we must to find the tracks . finally the book gets to persuade the reader ,for that to read, yamile your story is very interesting and had many new vocabualy to learn,! god job¡

    This novel is narrated by the main character Prudence Sarn or “Prue Sarn”, who tells the story of her family in western England two hundred years ago. Prudence is the youngest of the family. She is fifteen years old, innocent and submissive. She has hare-lip and all people say this is cursed. Her brother, Gideon, is two years older than her, but he is ambitious and selfish. His parents are Mr. and Mrs. Sarn.
    The story begins when Mr. Sarn dies of a stroke in a fit of anger at his son. Gideon is left with the inheritance of his father while Prue works in the farm as a maid. She does not receive a salary and in return Gideon promises her that first they has a lot of money and then he goes to get the best doctor to cure her hare-lip. They promise this arrangement on the Bible.
    Gideon is in love with Jancis Beguildy, the daughter of his butler, but he doesn´t marry her, because she is poor. She feels sad and disappointed by him. Then she escapes and arrives to the farm of a friend named Kester Woodseaves. She does not know how to read and he helps her read the letters that Prudence Sarn writes in the name of her brother Gideon. He wants to convince Jancis to returns with him.
    Kester likes how Prue writes and despite not knowing her, he falls in love with her. When Jancis returns, Gideon promises to marry her after the next harvest, but they have sexual intercourse before the marriage and Jancis´ father discovers them. To take revenge, he burns Gideon´s crops. Jancis becomes pregnant, but Gideon abandons her and drowns.
    Gideon´s mother begins to fall ill, but the medicine is too expensive and Gideon doesn´t buy it. Later Gideon decides to poison his mother because he does not want to pay for her. Really Gideon is a very bad man. He begins to see the ghosts of his parents, his wife and his son. He becomes mad and after same time commits suicide.
    Prue is accused of witchery, and people think that she is the one who kills her family. They want to burn her but Kester Woodseaves, her lover manages to save her from death by convincing people that she is a good woman. kester wins Prue´s heart. He does not care that she has hare-lip and they decide to marry. They have children and live a happy life.
    I like this book because the author makes adept use of folklore, customs, and religious beliefs of the early 1800s in England, and this is a good way for us to learn about the interesting culture of Britain as students of a foreign language.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Pili!

      I really like your book because it relates religion, love and the woman’s life who has hare-lip. The story narrates events depicting the Prudence’s life and her greedy brother. I like how you tell the tale because it is a simple way to understand it.

      On the other hand, the things you can improve on your summary are:
      1. When you start the third paragraph, you must use the possesive, so you can say: "... his butler's daughter..."
      2. You might check your punctuation rules so that the reader can understand the entire text.

      Moreover, I think your oral report was very good because you explained with simple terms your book, so it allowed that everyone understand your story. Personally, when I heard the title, I was interested to read about a woman who had hare-lip and had many problems due to her terrible brother.

      Good Job!

    This novel was narrated by the main character Prudence Sarn or “Prue Sarn”, who told the story of her family in western England two hundred years ago. Prudence was the youngest of the family. She was fifteen years old, innocent and submissive. She had hare-lip and all people said this was cursed. Her brother, Gideon, was two years older than she, but he was ambitious and selfish. His parents were Mr. and Mrs. Sarn.

    The story begins when Mr. Sarn died of a stroke in a fit of anger at his son. Gideon was left with the inheritance of his father while Prue worked in the farm as a maid. She did not receive a salary and in return Gideon promised her that first they had a lot of money and then he went to get the best doctor to cure her hare-lip. They promised this arrangement on the Bible .

    Gideon was in love with Jancis Beguildy, the daughter of his butler, but he didn´t marry her, because she was poor.She felt sad and disappointed by him. Then she escaped and arrived to the farm of a friend named Kester Woodseaves. She did not know how to read and he helped her read the letters that Prudence Sarn wrote in the name of her brother Gideon. He wanted to convince Jancis to return with him.

    Kester liked how Prue wrote and despite not knowing her, he fell in love with her. When Jancis returned, Gideon promised to marry her after the next harvest, but they had sexual intercourse before the marriage and Jancis´ father discovered them. To take revenge, he burned Gideon´s crops. Jancis became pregnant, but Gideon abandoned her and drowned.

    Gideon´s mother began to fall ill, but the medicine was too expensive and Gideon didn´t buy it. Later Gideon decided to poison his mother because he did not want to pay for her. Really Gideon was a very bad man. He began to see the ghosts of his parents, his wife and his son. He became mad and after same time commited suicide.

    Prue was accused of witchery, and people thought that she was the one who killed her family. They wanted to burn her but Kester Woodseaves, her lover managed to save her from death by convincing people that she was a good woman. kester won Prue´s heart. He did not care that she had hare-lip and they decided to marry. They had children and lived a happy life.

    I like this book because the author makes adept use of folklore, customs, and religious beliefs of the early 1800s in England, and this is a good way for us to learn about the interesting culture of Britain as students of a foreign language.

    1. Hi Pili!

      In general your summary is very good because it shows the most important events of the story. All verbs are in past correctly but your opinion is in present, so there is not a consistency in verb tense. I recommend you be careful when you're writing for this error is not present.

      Finally, your presentation is a good way to understand a traditional book about a typical family and a disease not common a few years ago.

      Good Job!



    This is a Sherlock Holmes’ story; it is about a hound that that is able to scare even the bravest man in Dartmoor. The book starts with the hypothesis that the hound is a family malediction because many of the members had been killed for a big dog. The detective Holmes considers the history of the huge dog as fantasy, but he decides to investigate it deeper because it causes him curiosity, he wants to know who is behind the mystery of the enormous hound. the case unfolds in the town of Dartmoor where sherlock sends his dearest partner Watson to investigate.
    The case is not easy for the detective because he has to face an intelligent and shrewd enemy. However, after analyzing many details and each crime scene, the detective solves the problem and concludes that the monster does not belong to the supernatural but instead to the idea of a human being who got carried away by greed, and was able to create a creature that frighten the occupants of the house and its neighbors in Baskerville.
    The person who created this macabre plan, mistake Holmes with false evidence, but as the detective is set up in the smallest detail and analyzes each person from their gestures and their speech to their clothes. Sherlock solves the case with the aid of those affected and his friend Watson; and in an act previous planning, they think to kill the ferocious dog, and expose the game of murderer, who happens to be part of the Baskerville family.
    I recommend this book because the author makes an interesting use of his great imagination to connect the reader with the mystery and excitement that surrounds and traps and makes you want to continue to the end.
    I consider that the story is very entertaining and make me think that many times we miss important details in life that can be clues from a whole different perspective.



    This was a Sherlock Holmes’ story; it was about a hound that that was able to scare even the bravest man in Dartmoor. The book started with the hypothesis that the hound was a family malediction because many of the members had been killed for a big dog. The detective Holmes considered the history of the huge dog as fantasy, but he decided to investigate it deeper because it caused him curiosity, he wanted to know who was behind the mystery of the enormous hound. the case unfolded in the town of Dartmoor where sherlock sent his dearest partner Watson to investigate.
    The case was not easy for the detective because he had to face an intelligent and shrewd enemy. However, after analyzing many details and each crime scene, the detective solved the problem and concluded that the monster did not belong to the supernatural but instead to the idea of a human being who got carried away by greed, and was able to create a creature that frightened the occupants of the house and its neighbors in Baskerville.
    The person who created this macabre plan, mistook Holmes with false evidence, but as the detective was set up in the smallest detail and analyzed each person from their gestures and their speech to their clothes. Sherlock solved the case with the aid of those affected and his friend Watson; and in an act previous planning, they thought to kill the ferocious dog, and expose the game of murderer, who happened to be part of the Baskerville family.
    I recommended this book because the author made an interesting use of his great imagination to connect the reader with the mystery and excitement that surrounds and traps and made you want to continue to the end.
    I considered that the story is very entertaining and made me think that many times we missed important details in life that could be clues from a whole different perspective.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hello Lorena.
      I Like so much this kind of stories because, the reader always ends up become a detective more, I Think that your summary is very well, in fact, you awaked me curiosity for to know each detail of this story, and this was the objetive. so congratulations to you, well done!

    This book is a summary made for John Escott.
    This history happens in New England on century XVII when the society was very hard with the sinner.
    This history is about Hester Prynne she is a woman she lives in Boston before she lived in Amsterdam with her husband. When she arrive to Boston she is along because her husband must do business so Hester know to Arthur Dimmesdale he is a pastor they have a secret relationship and after Hester is pregnant when the society know about her pregnancy there is a judgment. when this is happing Hester’s husband arrive to Boston he takes other identification he makes a new name this name is roger Chillingworth he is a supposed doctor he does it because he wants to take revenge of Hester’s lover. This day Hester must walk around the principal park she must carry her baby pearl and in her dress a letter “a” this is the scarlet letter this means adultery, all society call her adultery! And she tries to have a normal life. But she doesn´t know that the doctor roger knows that the pastor is her lover and father`s daughter an he has been hurting to lover. The pastor Arthur can’t be with his blame and he say all true in face on every people in a principal park. Finally dr. Roger,died a year after that Arthur died, and he inherits all proprieties to Perl and Hester and Perl go out of Boston but time after come back and there they die together.

    1. Hello Jennifer Sanchez
      Although I don´t like much the love´s stories, this story this story has many new vocabulary to learn. I can relate this words whit each scene. In respect of the story, I like about this story, it shows us, like the Hester´s strength in the face of sexist society.
      In mi humble opinion, you can improve your writing correcting these mistakes:
      1. You should use story in place of history. History is meant to be an objective narrative description of past events, while a story will be a subjective narrative description of either real past events or imaginary people and events.

      2. When she arrive/When she arrives.Hester know to Arthur/Hester knows Arthur Dimmesdale. The society know about her pregnancy /The society knows about her pregnancy. Hester’s husband arrive to Boston/ Hester’s husband arrives to Boston. He say all true/ he says all true.

      3. When this is happing/when this is happening.

      4. He takes other identification. /He takes another identity.

      5. This text needs punctuation mark.

      This book is a summary made for John Escott.
      This story happens in New England, on century XVII, when the society was very hard with the sinner.
      This is about Hester Prynne. She is a woman who lives in Boston. Before, she lived in Amsterdam with her husband. When she arrives to Boston, she gets here, because her husband must do business. So Hester knows Arthur Dimmesdale, he is a pastor. They have a secret relationship. After, Hester becomes pregnant. When the society knows about her pregnancy, there is a judgment. When this is happening, Hester’s husband arrives to Boston, he takes another identity, he has a new name, this is Roger Chillingworth. He is a supposed doctor; he does it because he wants to take revenge of Hester’s lover.
      This day Hester must walk around the principal park. She must carry her baby Pearl, and in her dress a letter “a” this is the scarlet letter, this means adultery, all society call her adultery. And she tries to have a normal life; but she doesn´t know that the doctor Roger knows that the pastor is her lover and father`s daughter, and he has been hurting to lover. The pastor Arthur can’t be with his blame and he says all true in face on every people in a principal park. Finally Dr. Roger died. A year after that Arthur died, and he inherits all proprieties to Perl, Hester and Perl go out of Boston but time; after, they come back and there, and die together.

    This book was a summary made for John Escott.
    This history happened in New England on century XVII when the society was very hard with the sinner.
    This history was about Hester Prynne she was a woman she lived in Boston before she lived in Amsterdam with her husband. When she arrived to Boston she was along because her husband must do business so Hester knew to Arthur Dimmesdale he was a pastor they had a secret relationship and after Hester is pregnant when the society know about her pregnancy there is a judgment. when this was happing Hester’s husband arrived to Boston he took other identification he made a new name this name was roger Chillingworth he was a supposed doctor he done it because he wanted to take revenge of Hester’s lover. This day Hester must walk around the principal park she must carry her baby pearl and in her dress a letter “a” this was the scarlet letter this meant adultery, all society called her adultery! And she tried to have a normal life. But she doesn´t know that the doctor roger knows that the pastor is her lover and father`s daughter and he had been hurting to lover. The pastor Arthur can’t be with his blame and he said all true in face on every people in a principal park. Finally dr. Roger, died a year after that Arthur died, and he inherited all proprieties to Perl and Hester and Perl went out of Boston but time after came back and there Hester died with scarlet letter.

  22. BOOK: The dead in jericho
    AUTHOR: Colin Dexter
    NAME: Erika Sánchez
    The history starts in Mrs. Murdoch's party, when inspector Morse sees a slime and curious girl, he tries to figure it out who could be her, he takes a drink and she close to him and they start to talk, she tells him that is a modern languages teacher and so much things about her, at the end of the party he ask her name and she says I'm Anne Scoot.
    Time pass and Morse's life is normal, he is in his work when suddenly things about Anne, he remember when she says her address - Jericho in the canal reach number 9 house, he has to carry some books there so he pass to her house and see that the door is open, he enter and sees Anne hang up in the kitchen, he hear something so he come out the house. Anne’s death is in the newspaper and inspector Morse has to investigate her murder with his leal friend Lewis, everything is difficult because anyone knows about Anne’s life even her neighbors, Jackson repair her wall but he doesn't know about her, then at the number 7 seven of canal reach is another murder this time is Jackson.
    Morse tries to search more clues, finds that Charles Richards is Anne’s lover, Morse come to his office to talk about the last time he sees Anne but anything happens he tells him that doesn't know about her, but Morse doesn't trust in him and starts to find out more and more things. Charles Richards is a business man, but then he receives a note saying that he has to pay a lot of money or the things changes for him.
    When Morse discovers more things about Charles Richards he become the principal suspect of Jackson’s murder, and then Morse has a time of cleverly and discovers that Anne kill herself because she is pregnant and doesn’t know what to do and that Conrad (Charles’ brother) is supplanting him, so Charles kills Jackson because he know about Anne and a letter that she write for him and that´s the end of the story.
    I really liked this book because this history has drama and other things to interesting on it and I improve my reading skills reading it.

  23. THE DANGER, “Dick Francis”
    This story beginig in Italy with the kidnapping of Alessia Cenci. She is twenty three years old. She is with the kidnappers for five weeks, three days and ten days. The kidnappers want for her ransom two thousand million. During the kidnapping, they do that Alessia read a article of newspaper. Then, they send the cassette with the voice of Alessia to Paulo Cenci. Almost. They say that if Paulo not pay the ransom, Alessia can die.
    Andrew Douglas is the responsible of that Alessia come back to home safe and sound; with the help of Tony Vine (they are policeman). And his boss is Enrico Pucinelli.
    The Alessia´s father, Paulo Cenci. He is very sad, because he doesn´t know like is his daughter. He isn´t sure of that Alessia is alive.
    The confident of Paulo Cenci is Ricardo Traventi, because Cenci not want that the police know the orders of the kidnapper. Paulo find the money for the ransom. Then, the kidnapper say that in the shrine leave to Alessia, but Paulo leave the money in this place.
    Paulo and Ricardo find to Alessia in the shrine, but she doesn´t have clothes. Her face is white, and she is very thin.
    Ricardo, Alessia and Paulo, travel to home. Days later, Enrico Pucinelli come to talk to Alessia. He want know what can she remember but she doesn´t remember nothing, because all the time she sleep.
    Then Andrew and Alessia travel to London. Andrew fall in love with her. However she say to Andrew that she can’t reciprocate to his felling.
    The second kidnapping is in England. The family Nerrity is in the beach. When suddenly Dominic disappear. Dominic is three years old. Miranda is very worry. Miranda is the Dominic´s mother. She is alone, because his husband is busy with his business. John Nerrity is the Dominic´s father. For John is more important his business that his son. So, he say that doesn´t pay five million for the ransom.
    After days, Andrew find to Dominic in a house of the beach. Miranda is really happy for her son.
    Then, Andrew travel to Washington. There the president Morgan Freemantle is kidnapping. The kidnappers want for his ransom ten million. After too Andrew is kidnapping.
    And finally, Andrew escape. He does met with the superintendent Eagler and they find to the boss of the kidnappers and after they to kill.

    NAME: Erika Sánchez

    The history started in Mrs. Murdoch's party, when inspector Morse saw a slime and curious girl, he tried to figure it out who could be her, he toke a drink and she closed to him and they started to talk, she told him that was a modern languages teacher and so much things about her, at the end of the party he asked her name and she said I'm Anne Scoot.
    Time pass and Morse's life was normal, he was in his work when suddenly thought about Anne, he remembered when she said her address - Jericho in the canal reach number 9 house, he had to carry some books there so he passed to her house and saw that the door is opened, he entered and saw Anne hanged in the kitchen, he heard something so he came out the house. Anne’s death was in the newspaper and inspector Morse had to investigate her murdered with his leal friend Lewis, everything were difficult because anyone knows about Anne’s life even her neighbors, Jackson repaired her wall but he didn't know about her, then at the number 7 seven of canal reach was another murdered this time was Jackson.
    Morse tried to search more clues, found that Charles Richards was Anne’s lover, Morse came to his office to talk about the last time he saw Anne but anything happened he told him that didn't know about her, but Morse didn't trust in him and started to find out more and more things. Charles Richards was a business man, but then he received a note saying that he had to pay a lot of money or the things changed for him.
    When Morse discovered more things about Charles Richards he became the principal suspect of Jackson’s murdered, and then Morse had a time of cleverly and discovered that Anne killed herself because she was pregnant and didn’t know what to do and that Conrad (Charles’ brother) was supplanting him, so Charles killed Jackson because he knew about Anne and a letter that she wrote for him and that was the end of the story.
    I really liked this book because this history has drama and other things to interesting on it and I improve my reading skills reading it.

  25. THE DANGER, “Dick Francis”

    This story began in Italy with the kidnapping of Alessia Cenci. She was twenty three years old. She was with the kidnappers for five weeks, three days and ten days. The kidnappers wanted for her ransom two thousand million. During the kidnapping, they did that Alessia read a article of newspaper. Then, they sent the cassette with the voice of Alessia to Paulo Cenci. Almost. They said that if Paulo not paid the ransom, Alessia could died.
    Andrew Douglas was the responsible of that Alessia came back to home safe and sound; with the help of Tony Vine (they are policeman). And his boss was Enrico Pucinelli.
    The Alessia´s father, Paulo Cenci. He was very sad, because he doesn´t knew like was his daughter. He wasn´t sure of that Alessia was alive.
    The confident of Paulo Cenci was Ricardo Traventi, because Cenci not wanted that the police knew the orders of the kidnapper. Paulo found the money for the ransom. Then, the kidnapper said that in the shrine left to Alessia, but Paulo left the money in this place.
    Paulo and Ricardo found to Alessia in the shrine, but she doesn´t had clothes. Her face was white, and she was very thin.
    Ricardo, Alessia and Paulo, travelled to home. Days later, Enrico Pucinelli came to talk to Alessia. He wanted knew what could she remember but she doesn´t remember nothing, because all the time she slept.
    Then Andrew and Alessia travelled to London. Andrew fall in love with her. However she said to Andrew that she couldn’t reciprocate to his felling.
    The second kidnapping was in England. The family Nerrity was in the beach. When suddenly Dominic disappeared. Dominic was three years old. Miranda was very worried. Miranda was the Dominic´s mother. She was alone, because his husband was busy with his business. John Nerrity was the Dominic´s father. For John was more important his business that his son. So, he said that doesn´t paid five million for the ransom.
    After days, Andrew found to Dominic in a house of the beach. Miranda was really happy for her son.
    Then, Andrew travelled to Washington. There the president Morgan Freemantle was kidnapping. The kidnappers wanted for his ransom ten million. After too Andrew was kidnapping.
    And finally, Andrew escape. He does meet with the superintendent Eagler and they found to the boss of the kidnappers and after they to kill.

    1. liliana cifuentes
      the story of this book is very very interesting because it talk about kidnappings and is rare because is the typical story of policemen and thieves with a little drama, but it, made of this story something fun.

  26. liliana cifuentes

    Jude the obscure by Thomas Hardy
    present simple
    This story begging when Jude Fawley is a child and lives in Merygreen, he dreams with study in the university, one day his schoolmaster Richar Phillotson decides leave Merygreen and leave a big empty in Jude because he is his best teacher and he is the first that introduces jude the idea of study in the university. As a youth, Jude teaches himself greek and latin in his spare time while works in his aunt’s bakery.
    Before he tries to enter at the university but he is manipulated and marries whit a superficial local girl, call Arabella Donn, deserte him within two years; after Arabella leaves him, Jude moves to Christminister whily studying alone, hopes to be able to enter at the university later. There hi meets and falls in love with his free spirited cousin Sue Bridehead, jude arranges that she works with his friend Richard in order to keep her in Christminister but Richard later marries her.
    Sue is satisfied with her normality marry life, but quickly finds the relationship unhappy, besides to being in love with Jude. Eventually she leaves Richard for Jude, and then they pass sometime living together without any relationship, they are afraid to get marry because they suspect that it can end their love. After over the years they have two children.
    On the other hand Arabella reveals to Jude that they have a son and he asks if he can meet with him and she says ¡yes!, his name is Jude like his father but he is a nickname “little father time” for his bad temper. Then Jude is fired and decides return to Christminister after spending time as nomads.
    One morning, “little father time” believes that he and his brothers are the cause of the family problems, he decides to kill his brothers and suicides by hanging. Sue believes that the death of her sons is a divine punishment for leaving Richard and decides come back and remarry with him. Jude do the same, come back with Arabella after having been deceived for so long time. Come a harsh winter Jude is sick and die, Sue follows Richard, and Arabella doesn’t cry the death of Jude because she starts looking her next suitor. The end

  27. liliana cifuentes

    Jude the obscure by Thomas Hardy
    Past simple
    This story started when Jude Fawley was a child and lived in Merygreen, he dreamed with studying in the university, one day his schoolmaster Richar Phillotson decided left Merygreen and left a big empty in Jude because he was his best teacher and he was the first that introduced jude the idea of studying in the university. As a youth, Jude taught himself greek and latin in his spare time while worked in his aunt’s bakery.
    Before he tried to enter at the university but he was manipulated and married whit a superficial local girl, called Arabella Donn, deserted him within two years; after Arabella left him, Jude moved to Christminister whily studying alone, hopes to be able to enter at the university later. There he met and fell in love with his free spirited cousin Sue Bridehead, jude arranged that she worked with his friend Richard in order to keep her in Christminister but Richard later married her.
    Sue is satisfied with her normality married life, but quickly found the relationship unhappy, besides to being in love with Jude. Eventually she left Richard for Jude, and then they passed sometime living together without any relationship, they were afraid to get married because they suspected that it could end their love. After over the years they had two children.
    on the other hand Arabella revealed to Jude that they had a son and he asked if he can meet with him and she said ¡yes!, his name was Jude like his father but he was a nickname “little father time” for his bad temp. Then Jude was fired and decided return to Christminister after spending time as nomads.
    One morning, “little father time” believed that he and his brothers were the cause of the family problems, he decided to kill his brothers and suicide by hanging. Sue believed that the death of her sons were a divine punishment for leaving Richard and decided came back and remarry with him. Jude did the same, came back with Arabella after having been deceived for so long time. Came a harsh winter Jude was sick and died, Sue followed Richard, and Arabella didn’t cry the death of Jude because she started looking her next suitor. The end

    1. i think that this book is very interesting because is a dramatic story, and it has a diferent topics like economics, social, and religious. this story connect the reader with the read and i find the story easy to understand.

    The edge is about lies and blackmails, the history begins when a jockey “ MR FILMER” falls in the mud. Losing a horse- racing important for him. The people think than the man, who falls is dead: however someone take photographs of these facts for a long time, This man is TOR KELSEY who Works for jockeys a club , his object is catches a Mr Filmer and sends him a prison because he is a bad man , sociopath and genius criminal, this man sells ills horses for his friends the competition, after buys health's horses only for him for then he never loses horse-racing.
    When Tor Kelsey is looking the photographs , his phone ring, is his classmate the job, who sales him the places where the Transcontinental train is stopped , so Tor Kelsey runs toward its place .Himself gets is in the train ., here he is a waiter .nobody know ; who is he? To his surprise in the train is Mr Filmer ¡oh - god! However he changes his name. The next weekend Tor Kelsey cleans and organizes the room’s Filmer .he gets the illegal papers; It is the illegal sales the ill horses. But the problems is, how does Tor Kelsey go out the here with the illegal papers? He decides to keep its papers in his shoes. One day meets the Lorrimories family, they are Passengers on the train and they are the family most richest in Canada , so Tor Kelsey new is friend of them gets more evidences the Mr Filmer , who for its time travels for doing more bad business.
    Four weekends later, the train begins with Mechanical faults, the oil is Spilling for everywhere, it is on the edge the railway, but someone is doing it. On the night Mr Filmer tries the kill Tor Kelsey, who hard strike the head the him . so Tor Kelsey jumps on the edge the train .when he feels is unconscious , but he gets his object , he goes to the jockey club , here delivers the evidences and finally Mr Filmer is sending to prison. I like the book, because it is interesting history , where the lies and blackmails nothing means , the happiness of the life isn't the case , only matter to enjoy the funny moments where you are happy. I don’t like the end the book because not tells what does Tor Kelsey happen? I recommend the book because the readers can to learn vocabulary and check grammar.

    The edge was about lies and blackmails ; the history began when a jockey “ MR FILMER” fell in the mud. Losing a horse- racing important for him. The people thought than the man, who fell was dead: however someone took photographs of these facts for a long time, This man was TOR KELSEY who Worked for jockeys a club , his object was catches a Mr Filmer and sent him a prison because he was a bad man , sociopath and genius criminal, this man sold ills horses for his friends the competition, after he bought health's horses only for him for then he never lost horse-racing.
    When Tor Kelsey was looking the photographs , his phone rang, was his classmate the job, who said him the places where the Transcontinental train was stopped , so Tor Kelsey ran toward its place .Himself got is in the train ., here he was a waiter .nobody knew ; who is he? To his surprise in the train was Mr Filmer ¡oh - god! However he changed his name. The next weekend Tor Kelsey cleaned and organized the room’s Filmer .he got the illegal papers; It was the illegal sales the ill horses. But the problems was, how does Tor Kelsey go out the here with the illegal papers? He decided to keep its papers in his shoes. One day met the Lorrimories family, they were Passengers on the train and they were the family most richest in Canada , new Tor Kelsey was friend of them got more evidences the Mr Filmer , who for its time he was traveling for doing more bad business.
    Four weekends later, the train began with Mechanical faults, the oil was Spilling for everywhere, it was on the edge the railway, but someone was doing it. On the night Mr Filmer tryed the kill Tor Kelsey, who hard struck the head the him. So Tor Kelsey jumped on the edge the train .when he fell was unconscious , but he got his object , he went to the jockey club , here delivered the evidences and finally Mr Filmer is sent to prison. I like the book, because it was interesting history, where the lies and blackmails nothing means , the happiness of the life isn't the case , only matter to enjoy the funny moments where you are happy. I don’t like the end the book because not said what does Tor Kelsey happen? I recommend the book because the readers can to learn vocabulary and check grammar.

  30. Summary in present:

    Charles Dickens talks about adventures as a child and as a man. It shows people suffering. Many situations are taken straight from Dickens’ own young life. This story starts very happy; David grows up in a loving home whit his mother and their servant, Peggotty. His father is death. David enjoys a happy childhood with his mother and her faithful servant, Peggotty, until his mother married again with Mr. Murdstone and proves powerless to protect him from the cruelty of his stepfather.
    Mr Murdstone send David to a boarding school in London where the students put him a his large board, it says "Stay away. He bites", where he makes friends with Steerforth and Traddles too. One happy day Peggotty and Ham come to see him. They have brought a present to David. It is some fish. Soon the holidays arrive, David goes at home, his mother has a baby there every night he sits whit Mr. Mudstone, Miss Mudstone and his mother but they never speak to him.
    When he returns to school, two months passed and Mr. Creakle says he, your mother is dead and your brother too. He returns at home very sad and attend the funeral. David talks whit Peggoty and he says: “I must search work”. David is send to work at Mr Quinion’s business.While he works at the wine-bottling business David stays at Mr Micawber’s house but when the latter leaves London, owing to his debts, David decides to go in search of his only relative, Miss Trotwood, whom he finds in Dover. Davis is send to school again and becomes a great friend of Agnes Wickfield’s, at whose house he stands when he’s not at school.
    In the meantime, Uriah Heep, a disgusting man who lives with the Wickfields, wants to marry Agnes. Mr Peggotty keeps looking for Emily. David and Dora marry thanks to the money he has earned by writing stories. Dora proves to be a very incompetent housewife, but David loves her all the same. Mr Peggotty hears that Emily has left Steerforth and asks an old friend of hers, Martha Endells, to look for herin London. Martha locates Emily and Mr Peggotty decides to emigrate to Australia with her and the Micawbers, now that Mr Micawber has got rid of Uriah Heep and expose him as a thief. Dora falls ill and dies and, in Yarmouth, a terrible storm kills Ham and Steerforth. Moreover, all the rest of David’s friends, except for Miss Peggotty and Traddles, leave for Australia. David travels abroad to try to forget Dora but he falls ill and returns to England. David eventually marries Agnes, who had always loved him, has five children and becomes a famous writer.

    1. 4. death: dead
      7. put him a his: put him a large...
      10. have brougth: they bring (bacuse I think than the exercise is in present simple and have brougth is a present perfect)
      13. passed and: later Mr.; says he: says him
      17. leaves: leaves to London.
      25. has left: has leave
      31. marries Agnes: marries with Agnes
      32. Who had: Who has; has: they have five...
      I don´t very sure of some corrections than I made but I think than the mistakes are those...

  31. Summary in Past:

    David Copperfield by Charles Dickens took about adventures as a child and as a man. It showed people suffering. Many situations was taken straight from Dickens’ own young life. This story started very happy, David grew up in a loving home whit his mother and their servant, Peggotty. His father is death. David enjoyed a happy childhood with his mother and her faithful servant, Peggotty, until his mother married again with Mr. Murdstone and proved powerless to protect him from the cruelty of his stepfather.
    Mr Murdstone sent David to a boarding school in London where the students put he a large board, it said "Stay away. He bites", where he made friends with Steerforth and Traddles too. One happy day Peggotty and Ham came to see him. They had brought a present to David. It was some fish. Soon the holidays arrived, David went at home, his mother had a baby there every night he sat whit Mr. Mudstone, Miss Mudstone and his mother but they never spoke to him.
    When he returned to school, two months passed and Mr. Creakle said he, your mother was dead and your brother too. He returned at home very sad and attended the funeral. David took whit Peggoty and he said: “I must search work”. David is sent to work at Mr Quinion’s business.While he worked at the wine-bottling business David stayed at Mr Micawber’s house but when the latter left
    London, owing to his debts, David decided to go in search of his only relative, Miss Trotwood, whom he found in Dover. Davis was send to school again and becames a great friend of Agnes Wickfield’s, at whose house he staded when he was not at school.
    In the meantime, Uriah Heep, a disgusting man who lived with the Wickfields, wanted to marry Agnes. Mr Peggotty kept looking for Emily. David and Dora marry thanks to the money he had earned by writing stories. Dora proved to be a very incompetent housewife, but David loved her all the same. Mr Peggotty heard that Emily had left Steerforth and asked an old friend of hers, Martha Endells, to look for herin London. Martha located Emily and Mr Peggotty decided to emigrate to Australia with her and the Micawbers, now that Mr Micawber had got rid of Uriah Heep and exposed him as a thief. Dora fell ill and dies and, in Yarmouth, a terrible storm kills Ham and Steerforth. Moreover, all the rest of David’s friends, except for Miss Peggotty and Traddles, leave for Australia. David traveled abroad to try to forget Dora but he fell ill and returned to England. David eventually marries Agnes, who had always loved him, has five children and became a famous writer.

    Note:"I think you should read this book because it tells the story of this famous author, Dickens in a very didactic way. It helps to know a little more about this author and some problems which pass many people today. "

    1. 2. was: were
      4. is death: was dead
      5. her: his
      8. he: him
      12. Whit: with
      14. said he: said him
      16. Whit: with; is: was
      24. Marry: married
      32. Leave: left
      33. Marries: married with
      34. has: they had
      I don´t very sure of some corrections than I made but I think than the mistakes are those.

      Good Job :)


    BY: Dick Francis.


    Philip Nore, a Jockey, is training for his competitions when he falls when he jumps a fence. He doesn’t hurt, he just gets a little bit angry. Philip has a friend called Steve Millace who also is a jockey, he asks to Philip if he is fine. Steve tells him that while he was attending his father’s funeral, some burglars got into his house and burn everything. Then, Steve gets hurt because he falls down in a race horse, so Philip asks him if he can carry him to his house and in that way, he can see the disaster that the burglars have done. When they arrive to Steve’s house, they notice that something is weird. Steve’s mother is kicked and she is bleeding. Between that chaos, Philip finds a box of rubbish and he asks to Steve if he can keep that since he is photography’s fan. Steve’s father is a weird person, he likes photography. He is always watching the worst moments to take advantage and take pictures. He is the owner of that box.

    Philip tells to his best friend everything, but he says to him that he should destroy everything and don’t have troubles; but Philip says no. He wants to discovery all Mr. Millace is hiding. After that, Philip starts to remember a little bit about his past and he recognizes his mother’s friend. He goes to meet her because he still knows where that house is. He gets happy because his mother’s friend is kind and comfortable. She tells him about her daughter, Clare, and they meet each other. She is a journalist, so she also likes photography. A man called “Lance” is near there recording a film. Casually, he is Clare’s boss. Lance says to Philip that he wants to buy his pictures, but he refuses, but he sells them to Clare. Philip notices that there is a bad person who is cheating the race horse riders. He starts to find out into Mr. Millace’s photographs the true. Mr. Millace isn’t that bad person everybody thinks, instead of that, he is honest and wants to say to the people what is going on.

    Philip asks to Mrs. Millace where went Mr. Millace before he died and she answers that he went to Lance’s house and also, that he asked for ammonia. Philip discoveries that Lance is cheating to everybody and Lance notices that Philip knows everything and tries to kill him.

    Philip Nore is an interesting character, brought by a succession of his mother's friends over the years while his mother fought her drug habit. Somehow, he has managed to stay on the straight and narrow, throwing himself into his job as a steeplechase jockey and developing his photography on the side. Probably because the story is told from his point of view and because he seems vulnerable, it is easy to get behind him and really want things to work out for him. The only aspect of his character I don’t particularly like is his love life - he meets an up-and-coming publisher and falls for her, but the relationship seems forced and certainly it develops too quickly to be natural. This can simply be because it is one of the sections of the book that has been abridged.


    BY: Dick Francis.


    Philip Nore, a Jockey, was training for his competitions when he fell when he jumped a fence. He didn’t hurt, he just got a little bit angry. Philip had a friend called Steve Millace who also was jockey, he asked to Philip if he was fine. Steve told him that while he was attending his father’s funeral, some burglars got into his house and burned everything. Then, Steve got hurt because he fell down in a race horse, so Philip asked him if he could carry him to his house and in that way, he could see the disaster that the burglars had done. When they arrived to Steve’s house, they noticed that something was weird. Steve’s mother was kicked and she was bleeding. Between that chaos, Philip found a box of rubbish and he asked to Steve if he could keep that since he was photography’s fan. Steve’s father was a weird person, he liked the photography. He was always watching the worst moments to take advantage and take pictures. He was the owner of that box.

    Philip told to his best friend everything, but he said to him that he should destroy everything and don’t have troubles; but Philip said no. He wanted to discovery all Mr. Millace was hiding. After that, Philip started to remember a little bit about his past and he recognized his mother’s friend. He went to meet her because he still knew where that house was. He got happy because his mother’s friend was kind and comfortable. She told him about her daughter, Clare, and they met each other. She was a journalist, so she also liked photography. A man called “Lance” was near there recording a film. Casually, he was Clare’s boss. Lance said to Philip that he wanted to buy his pictures, but he refused, but he sold them to Clare. Philip noticed that there was a bad person who was cheating the race horse riders. He started to find out into Mr. Millace’s photographs the true. Mr. Millace wasn’t that bad person everybody though, instead of that, he was honest and wanted to say to the people what was going on.

    Philip asked to Mrs. Millace where did Mr. Millace go before he died and she answered that he went to Lance’s house and also, that he asked for ammonia. Philip discovery that Lance was cheating to everybody and Lance noticed that Philip knew everything and tried to kill him.

    Philip Nore was an interesting character, brought by a succession of his mother's friends over the years while his mother fought her drug habit. Somehow, he had managed to stay on the straight and narrow, throwing himself into his job as a steeplechase jockey and developing his photography on the side. Probably because the story was told from his point of view and because he seemed vulnerable, it was easy to get behind him and really want things to work out for him. The only aspect of his character I didn't particularly like was his love life - he met an up-and-coming publisher and fell for her, but the relationship seemed forced and certainly it developed too quickly to be natural. This could simply be because it was one of the sections of the book that had been abridged.

  34. Brat Farrar by Josephine Tey
    Present simple:
    The Latchetts is a small village where the Ashby family lives comfortably, this family works hardly in a big farm for horses, as a school to train horses and as a school for people who want to learn to ride.
    This family is constituted by aunt Bee, Leonor the oldest niece , the twin Simon, and finally the twins Jane and Ruth, the story begins with the thoughts the aunt Bee, she is worried about the birthday’s Simon because she knows that when he gets twenty-one years old, he gets legally the ashby fortune. The Aunt Bee does not like this idea and she feels fearful for the future the Asbhy family because Simon is so selfish.
    Bee remembers all about her brother Bill, dead in a terrible plane crash, for this reason, she comes Latchetts in order to look after her dead brother's children. then she remembers her nephew Patrick, dead eight years ago in strange way, every one thinks that patrick commits suicide, but the aunt Bee does not believe that Patrick is dead, because the body's patrick not appear and no one knows nothing about him.
    On the other hand in a street in London Brat Farrar a kind man, is persuaded by a "friend" of the Ashbys to pose as Patrick Ashby. Brat Farrar look like Simon Ashby so the plan is perfect.
    As soon as the Ashby family knows that Patrick is alive, all of them feel happines again less Simon who is very sure that this man not is his brother twin.
    Once Brat Farrar comes to live at Latchetts he is interested to find out all about Patrick's death, this way Brat Farrar discovers that Simon is the main murderer of his own brother, but the problem is that Brat can not say nothing because he is an impostor.
    Finally, Simon tries to kill to Brat, but his attempt, Simon falls into a deep well and dies, at the end ashby family knows the whole truth about Brat, but the family decides to forgive him, also the Family discovers that Brat is really a son not recognized by george the oldest brother of Bee.
    I recommend this story because Josephine Tey is a great writer, he knows to catch the reader, is really wonderful, that although the reader knows that Brat Farrar not is Patrick from the begin of the history, the mistery is always present, with the hope that all things result well for Brat Farrar, because the author wants to show as Brat deserves to be an Ashby.

  35. Past simple:
    The Latchetts is a small village where the Ashby family lived comfortably, this family worked hardly in a big farm for horses, as a school to train horses and as a school for people who wanted to learn to ride.
    This family was constituted by aunt Bee, Leonor the oldest niece , the twin Simon, and finally, the twins, Jane and Ruth, the story began with the thoughts the aunt Bee, she was worried about the birthday’s Simon because she knew that when he got twenty-one years old, he was legally the ashby fortune. The Aunt Bee did not like this idea and she felt fear for the future the Asbhy family because Simon was so selfish.
    Bee recalled about her brother Bill, dead in a terrible plane crash, for this reason, she came Latchetts in order to look after her dead brother's children.
    then she recalled too, her nephew Patrick, dead eight years ago in strange way, every one thought that patrick killed himself, but the aunt Bee did not believe that Patrick was dead, because the body's patrick did not found and no one knew nothing about him.
    on the other hand in a street in London Brat Farrar a kind man, was persuaded by a "friend" of the Ashbys to pose as Patrick Ashby. Brat Farrar looked like Simon Ashby so the plan was perfect.
    As soon as the Ashby family knew that Patrick was alive, all of them felt happiness again less Simon who was very sure that this man not was his brother twin.
    Once that Brat Farrar came to live at Latchetts, he was interested to find out all about Patrick's death, this way Brat Farrar discovered that Simon was the main murderer of his own brother, but the problem was that Brat did not say nothing because he was an impostor.
    Finally, Simon tried to kill to Brat, but in his attempt, Simon falls into a deep well and dies. At the end, ashby family knew the whole truth about Brat, but the family decided to forgive him, also the Family discoved that Brat is really like a son not recognized by George the oldest brother of Bee.
    I recommended this story because Josephine Tey was a great writer, he knew to catch the reader, was really wonderful, that although the reader knew that Brat Farrar not was Patrick from the begin of the history, the mistery was always present, with the hope that all things result well for Brat Farrar, because the author wanted to show as Brat deserved to be an Ashby.
    by Erlenzi Quintero

    1. Laura Katherine Silva Nova4/30/2014 5:33 pm

      Hi Erly!
      The book that you chose was a few complicated, but you did a great job.
      I recommend you have more careful with the past tense, for example:
      In the first paragraph when you said "The Latchetts is a (..)"; the correct way is "The Latchetts was a (..)" because is in past tense.
      In the second paragraph when you said " the story began with the thoughts the aunt Bee (..)", the correct way is " the story began with the thoughts of the aunt Bee (..)" or you can said " the story began with the aunt Bee´s thoughts".
      In the sixth paragraph you said "Simon falls into (...)" the correct way is"Simon fell into(..)". In the same paragraph when you said "Brat is really (..)" the correct way is "Brat was really (..)"
      In general your summary in past tense is very good.
      My congratulations.

  36. Brayan Jose Forero
    Wuthering heights

    the history begins when lookwood went to Wuthering heigths and he stayed to spend the night in the farm of Heatcliff because there were a storm of snow, he stayed in a room where he found a newspaper which was written by catherine Earnshaw, until it is sleeping, in the dream he is appeared Catherine's spirit reason that he wakes up and he makes that people of the house fence to her help, after this there were a flashback in the history where they begin to explain the history of Heatcliff.
    Heatclif was a boy which was taken out of the liberpol streets by Mr Earnshaw and he adopt him as a son which he take to live in Wuthering Heigths that was a great farm, where he cohabited with his children Catherin and Hindley, catherin was always friend of Heatclif, but Hindley always hate him with all his forces. one day catherin and heatclif left to spy the neighbors and some dogs of that house bited to catherin which the neighbors helped and they cured, later she returned home and she began to fall in love of Edgar linton one of their neighbors, with which decides it contracts wedlock, when saw this Heatclif he leaves for some years and anything is not known about him, catherin and edgar had a daughter, but catherin dies in the childbirth, equally Hindley Earnshaw marries with France died in Hareton childbirth , when Heatclif returns he married Isabella Linton sister of Edgar linton, with which he had a son called Linton heatclif.
    After a time Heatclif owner the two farms, when Edgar Linton and Hindley Earnshaw dies, later alone they had the children of the union of the two families, of those which Catherin Linton and Hareton Earnshaw falls in love and they were happy after the death of Heatclif leaving at both the lands and being happy for ever.


    Wuthering heights

    The history begins when Lookwood goes to Wuthering heigths and he stays to spend the night in the farm of Heatcliff because a storm of snow, he stays in a room where he finds a newspaper which was written by catherine Earnshaw, until it is sleeping, in the dream he is appeared Catherine's spirit reason that he wakes up and he makes that people of the house fence to her help, after this there is a flashback in the history where they begin to explain the history of Heatcliff.
    Heatclif is a boy which is taken out of the liberpol streets by Mr Earnshaw and I adopt it as a son which he take to live in Wuthering Heigths that was a great farm, where he/she cohabited with its children Catherin and Hindley, catherin ever is friend of Heatclif, but Hindley always hate it with all his forces. one day catherin and heatclif left to spy the neighbors and some dogs of that house bit to catherin which the neighbors help her and they cure her, later she retur home and began to fall in love of Edgar linton one of their neighbors, with which decides contracts wedlock, when this Heatclif see this he leaves for some years and anything is not known about him, catherin and edgar have a daughter, but catherin dies in the childbirth, equally Hindley Earnshaw marries a called France that in Hareton childbirth dies , when Heatclif returns he marries Isabella Linton sister of Edgar linton, and they have a called son Linton heatclif.
    after a time Heatclif owner of the two farms, when Edgar Linton and Hindley Earnshaw dies, later alone the children of the union of the two families, of those which Catherin Linton and Hareton Earnshaw falls in love and they are happy after the death of Heatclif leaving at both all the lands and being happy for ever.

  37. Raúl Andrés González Saavedra4/11/2014 9:23 am

    The eagle has landed by Jack Higgins is a great spionage and war book. The story beggins with a request from Adolf Hitler to the Abwerh. The reich inteligence service. The request is to kipnap the British Primer Minister: Winston Churchil. But the chief of the Abwerh is not sure about the operation. So his assistant Máx Radl take charge of the operation. He contact a German spy who lives in England, Ms Joanna Grey. She lives in Studley Constable, a south east coast village. Fortunatelly for Germans Churchil is going to visit that town for resting during a weekend in coming days. When Máx finds out of this, he stars to look for the people to achieve the missions target. He contacts a former Irish Republican Army member, Liam Devlin, to help Ms Grey with the preparation for the arrival of a parachutist especial unit. Therefore Radl contacts a Coronel called Kurt Steiner. He commands a special assault unit. He accepts the mission and everything is going on wheels. After that they get a captured C-47 plane that they capture to the allies and they camouflage an E-boat , as a fast attack craft from the allies. They prepare polish uniforms to wear them over the german ones to don't claim any attention from the locals after the ocupation. The operation beggins on november 5th. The Eagle command arrives without problem to the english coast. A couple of days passed and the german soldiers are patrolling the area, a local girl falls into a course of wather, one of the soldiers tries to save her. But unfortunatelly he dies and his german uniforme is exposed. The germans decide to lock on the local population in the villages church while the Primer minister arrives. A girl scapes from the church and alerts an Army Rangers Corps from the USA. A big combat takes place. But the american soldiers are bad organized and many of them are killed. A second attack beggins and this time it is much more succesfull. Most of the german soldiers are killed. Steiner scapes and tries to kill Churchil, but he fails. At the end Devlin scapes to Ireland with a local girl called Molly Prior and in Berlin German autoroties are excecuting Radl for high treason because the operation failure.

    1. Hi Raúl.

      I read your summary and I must say to you: Congratulations!

      The way you told the story made me get deep in it. Also, the puntuaction was pretty good; although I don't have enough knowledge, I found it easy to understand.

      Good job!

  38. Raúl Andrés González Saavedra4/11/2014 9:24 am


    The eagle has landed by Jack Higgins was a great spionage and war book. The story began with a request from Adolf Hitler to the Abwerh. The reich inteligence service. The request was to kipnap the British Primer Minister: Winston Churchil. But the chief of the Abwerh was not sure about the operation. So his assistant Máx Radl took charge of the operation. He contacted a German spy who lived in England, Ms Joanna Grey. She lived in Studley Constable, a south east coast village. Fortunatelly for Germans Churchil was going to visit that town for resting during a weekend in coming days. When Máx found out of this, he started to look for the people to achieve the missions target. He contacted a former Irish Republican Armyn member, Liam Devlin, to help Más Grey with the preparation for the arrival of a parachutist especial unit. Therefore Radl contacted a Coronel called Kurt Steiner. He commanded a special assault unit. He accepted the mission and everything was going on wheels. After that they got a captured C-47 plane that they captured to the allies and they camouflaged an E-boat , as a fast attack craft from the allies. They prepared polish uniforms to wear them over the german ones to don't claim any attention from the locals after the ocupation. The operation was launched on november 5th. The Eagle command arrived without problem to the english coast. A couple of days passed and the german soldiers were patrolling the area, a local girl felt into a course of wather, one of the soldiers tried to save her. But unfortunatelly he died and his german uniforme was exposed. The germans decided to lock on the local population in the villages church while the Primer minister arrives. A girl scaped from the church and alerted an Army Rangers Corps from the USA. A big combat took place. But the american soldiers were bad organized and many of them were killed. A second attack began and this time it was much more succesfull. Most of the german soldiers were killed. Steiner scaped and tried to kill Churchil, but he faiilled. At the end Devlin scaped too to Ireland with a local girl called Molly Prior and in Berlin German autoroties excecuted Radl for high treason because the operation failure.

    This book starts when the Seymour family are eating, when the door opens and a young woman with blond-hair, bad looking and with a bag full of clothes and a guitar on his back appears; Joan Seymour meets her and says she is Amanda, the daughter of an old friend, surprised for the visit of the girl, invites her to the house. Amanda is 17 year old, her parents are divorced, her mother get married again and lives in Australia ; her father is a farmer, who get married again too whit a woman called Jill and they have two children , he lives with Amanda . After dinner Joan asks the reason for the visit, Amanda tells her that has a big fight with her father, who angrily said nasty things, the reason for the problem is Lola, she is Amanda’s best friend, Amanda’s father thinks she is a strange young, drug addict and a bad company to Amanda, the fight starts because Amanda’s father asked her to take care the animals of the farm while he and his wife take a trip. Amanda takes this opportunity to call Lola and have a big party, but Amanda’s father comes back earlier than expected and finds the farm a mess.
    Joan Seymour , her husband David and their son Tom think that Amanda has a miserable life and their invite her to stay at home the days that she needs ; one day, Joan sees that Amanda is very sad and suggests her that invites her friend Lola to the house ; another day a girl comes, she wears black clothes with holes in her pants and her shoes, she looks unpleasant and her hair too , Amanda says, she is Lola my best friend, Tom Seymour thinks that she is an interesting girl and feels empathy for her, on the other hand Joan thinks she is a troubled girl . In the course of the book happens several problems with Lola and her true personality is discovered, for this reason Seymour family and Amanda decide take distance to her.
    After some days Amanda misses her father and calls him, but there is not good news, her father says that his new family is more important than her because she’s a big girl while her step brothers are still very young and need much that her, angrily Amanda says that she hates him and hangs up.
    Amanda decides to teach a lesson to her father, searches a job as a lady of companion , she has to use small and tight clothes and a lot makeup , taking advantage of farmers’ annual meeting celebrates in a luxury hotel , she assists there dress up as a sexy nurse with a very small and revealing dress , she knows that her father would attend that meeting; at the beginning of the show Amanda up on the stage , she is saying dirty things , all farmers laugh except Peter, Amanda’s father, he notices that the girl is his daughter Amanda and feels terribly ashamed , angrily he downs her daughter of the stage and starts a big problem.
    Amanda returns to the Seymour’s home, with sadness she says to Joan and David what happened, they quite worried write a letter to Sue, Amanda's mom; a few days after Amanda’s mother returns from Australia and Amanda’s life starts to make a big change, attends school , now she is a good student and has plans to attend university next year. Amanda and Soe are very grateful with Seymour family heIp.
    The book ends with Seymour family dinner, suddenly the phone rings and David Seymour answers, David's face showed horror, he says a few words and hangs up; Joan worried asks who is?, David says it's Lola, she has a big fight with her mother and needs where sleep; for a moment they looked at each other, then they say together,! Absolutely no!.

    1. Hi Pao!

      You did a very good job, I can see your effort in the text!

      With summary I can understant the main idea of story, but I think it is not an interesting book, because this is a simple story, I do not like characters and problematic, I believe these are bored; I prefer mystery books with more emotion and that it or its author makes me want to continue to the end.

    This book started when the Seymour family were eating, when the door opened and a Young woman with blond-hair, bad looking and with a bag full of clothes and a guitar on his back appeared; Joan Seymour met her and said she was Amanda, the daughter of an old friend, surprised for the visit of the girl, invited her to the house. Amanda was 17 year old, her parents were divorced, her mother got married again and lived in Australia ; her father was a farmer, who got married again too whit a woman called Jill and they had two children , he lived with Amanda . After dinner Joan asked the reason for the visit, Amanda told her that had a big fight with her father, who angrily said nasty things, the reason for the problem was Lola, she was Amanda’s best friend, Amanda’s father thought she was a strange young, drug addict and a bad company to Amanda, the fight started because Amanda’s father asked her to took care the animals of the farm while he and his wife took a trip. Amanda took this opportunity to call Lola and had a big party, but Amanda’s father came back earlier than expected and found the farm a mess.
    Joan Seymour , her husband David and their son Tom thought that Amanda had a miserable life and their invited her to stay at home the days that she needed ; one day, Joan saw that Amanda was very sad and suggested her that invited her friend Lola to the house ; another day a girl came, she wore black clothes with holes in her pants and her shoes, she looked unpleasant and her hair too , Amanda said, she is Lola my best friend, Tom Seymour thought that she was an interesting girl and felt empathy for her, on the other hand Joan thought she was a troubled girl . In the course of the book happened several problems with Lola and her true personality was discovered, for this reason Seymour family and Amanda decided take distance to her.
    After some days Amanda missed her father and called him, but there was not good news, her father said that his new family was more important than her because she was a big girl while her step brothers were still very young and need much that her, angrily Amanda said that she hates him and hangs up.
    Amanda decided to teach a lesson to her father, searched a job as lady of companion , she had to use small and tight clothes and a lot makeup , taking advantage of farmers’ annual meeting celebrated in a luxury hotel , she assisted there dressed up as a sexy nurse with a very small and revealing dress , she knew that her father would attend that meeting; at the beginning of the show Amanda up on the stage , she was saying dirty things , all farmers laughted except Peter, Amanda’s father, he noticed that the girl was his daughter Amanda and felt terribly ashamed , angrily he downs her daughter of the stage and started a big problem.
    Amanda returned to the Seymour’s home, with sadness she said to Joan and David what happened, they quite worried wrote a letter to Sue, Amanda's mom; a few days after Amanda’s mother returned from Australia and Amanda’s life started to make a big change, attended school, now she was a good student and had plans to attend university next year. Amanda and Soe were very grateful with Seymour family heIp.
    The book ended with Seymour family dinner, suddenly the phone rang and David Seymour answered, David's face showed horror, he said a few words and hangs up; Joan worried asked who is?, David says it's Lola, she had a big fight with her mother and needed where sleep; for a moment they looked at each other, then they said together,! Absolutely no!.

  41. Diego Camargo Riaño
    present simple

    The full monty
    The story begins in Sheffield, in the north of England in Yorkshire, that is the main steel producer of the United Kingdom, but suddenly the business of steel fails. All the workers of Sheffield are broken, and they are desperate because most of men in the town are unemployed, for that reason Gaz (the main character of the book) doesn’t have a good relationship with his son and his ex-wife.
    One day Gaz and Dave(gaz's best friend) are walking and they go for a beer at the local pub, but the see, that the sign at the entrance bar says“ only women” Gaz furious sends his son (Nathan) in to the bar, then he see in a window that the show of the bar is group of male strippers. A few days later they decide that the solution for their problems is the erotic dance, so they hire at his old boss and other three unemployed and desperate persons, after that they start practicing the dance, and the skills for show.
    The group of the six men with the help of Nathan starts working in the old abandoned factories, and with a hard training they improve a lot, when the show was near, the police discover that the strippers are working in the factories and they lock them up in jail, and all the people of the town know what the men are doing, because the radio, the news paper etc, tells what Gaz is planning, they see that and think that all is lost, but that news is the best that could happen to they because this put they in the map.
    Finally the show is a huge success because all the women of Yorkshire are in the bar looking at them, the book is great and really funny, but the best is message that says to us that nothing is impossible and all the works are honorable if you do this with the heart.


    The full monty
    The story began in Sheffield, in the north of England in Yorkshire, that was the main steel producer of the United Kingdom, but suddenly the business of steel fails. All the workers of Sheffield were broken, and they were desperate because most of men in the town were unemployed, for that reason Gaz (the main character of the book) didn’t have a good relationship with his son and his ex-wife.
    One day Gaz and Dave(gaz's best friend) were walking and they went for a beer at the local pub, but the saw, that the sign at the entrance bar said“ only women” Gaz furious sends his son (Nathan) in to the bar, then he saw in a window that the show of the bar was group of male strippers. A few days later they decided that the solution for their problems was the erotic dance, so they hired at his old boss and other three unemployed and desperate persons, after that they start practicing the dance, and the skills for show.
    The group of the six men with the help of Nathan began working in the old abandoned factories, and with a hard training they improve a lot, when the show was near, the police discover that the strippers was working in the factories and they locked them up in jail, and all the people of the town knew what the men were doing, because the radio, the news paper etc, tells what Gaz is planning, they saw that and they think that all is lost, but that news was the best that could happen to they because this put they in the map.
    Finally the show was a huge success because all the women of Yorkshire were in the bar looking at them, the book is great and really funny, but the best is message that says to us that nothing is impossible and all the works are honorable if you do this with the heart.
