Monday, February 17, 2014

Writing about my strengths and weaknesses!

Hi all!  

Hope you are doing well! Welcome to our first activity. Please, post your comments before February 24th, 6 p.m!

1. Write a short self-presentation (name, interests, hobbies, etc).

2. Answer the following questions with your own ideas:

* Which are your strengths and weaknesses as foreign language learner?
* Which are your strengths and weaknesses when reading?
* Which are your strengths and weaknesses when writing?
* What strategies you do think you can use to foster your language learning, especially when talking about reading and writing skills?

Write a short and creative composition (120 words at least), using PRESENT SIMPLE TENSE in its affirmative and negative form.

4. Include linking words, such as: 
because of, in addition, on the other hand, to sum up. Use them in a coherent way in your text.

5. Language use / writing aspects:

- Present simple sentence structure.
- Useful vocabulary you need to express your ideas.
- Grammar, spelling, punctuation rules, etc.

All your writings will be welcome as comments... Thanks for participating!


  1. Hello!! :) :) :)

    My name is Jennyfer Katherine Sánchez Gutiérrez. I´m 18 years old . I like to watch movies and play basketball. I want to know new cultures because of I study English . When I write and read in English I have some problems, but I know that I can improve. When I write, for example in this moment , is very difficult for me express in a paper, because I don´t have clear ideas; other difficulty is that I don´n know to use puctuation mark in English and sometimes I don´t know many vocabulary about specific topic. On other hand when I read is very funny I like do it, this is a good form by learn and know new words, places, topics, useful phrases in addition I can understand the principal idea Quick, I have good understanding of reading and I choose wonderful books for I´m not boring. To sum up I think that the best estrategy is to practice, reading and writing about interesting topics and pay attention to the teacher´s explanations.

  2. Hi, my name is Juan Carlos Fuentes. Im from Sogamoso but i live in Tunja because the college. Im so excited to study modern languages and I want to be the best in my career. I like cooking everything but I love Italian food. I like traveling and my biggest dream is travel around Europe. Also I love dancing and parties. As a student of a foreign language I guess that my strengths are related with recognize new vocabulary and working with memory because I think that the most important thing when somebody learn a language is memory, and if I have good memory I could develop other strengths. On the other hand my weakness is dedication, I should spend more time practicing the language. In reading my strengths are speed and comprehension but my weakness is concentration, sometimes I lose it easier. When writing I know that my biggest strength is fluency because of my memory I try to bring all my vocabulary and do my writing as well as I can in addition i check the order of ideas, correct use of words, correct writing . I think that writing is one of my best skills and I guess that I don’t have a weakness or no yet. Is important to have on mind that when somebody learn a language should have present the use of some strategies to get a better level and develop the language skills, on writing is a good idea practice the correct form to write unknown vocabulary and difficult words to sum up is necessary have a dictionary to do everything easy. On the other hand the main strategy on reading is working on concentration because of the comprehension. Finally is important to say that the results, the evolution and all the process depends of the passion and dedication of learner.

  3. Hello! my name is ANA DEL PILAR SUAREZ, I´m from Paipa, Boyacá my grandmother is the more important person in my life, I like the cats, the dogs and the horses to sum up I love the animals because I lived lifetime in a farm; My favorite hobby is to ride motorbike, I learned to ride when I was fourteen years old.
    My main weakness for learn a foreign language is that I don´t have a good level of English on the other hand I want a lot learn about this language and its culture. I like read in English and my pronunciation is good but I don´t understand many words and I have that search it. I don´t write in English though I´m a few good in grammar, but I don´t know about of punctuation rules. I think that for foster my skills in especially in reading and writing is good read in addition write some kind of text about that reading.

  4. Hi, my name is Wendy Gorena Becerra. I am student of Modern Languages in the school of languages of UPTC. I am nineteen years old and I am from Duitama, I love my city and my family specially my mom, she is my life. Moreover I like wach movies, to dance and listenig to music, because in my free times I do it.
    By the way, when I am studing english language, I can’t listen the words in a composition clearly. In the other hand, my strength is the oral and reading comprehension about english classes. Also when I write I don’t feel comfortable because I don’t remember some principal words but I can take faster the structure of a sentences. In addition, specially when I read I can’t understand good being that it appears a lot unknown vocabulary.
    Finally, I think that some strategies to learn foreing language are : listen to radio surfing on internet and following the script about this, watch movies without subtitles in spanish and read short tales in english.

  5. name is nadia paola nuñez, I´m twenty three years old and I study modern lenguages in the u.p.t.c; i have a daughter, her name is paula isabella and she is the most important person in my life. I like sharing with my friends and my daughter also I love travel and know new places. As student of modern lenguages i have some problems when i need express my ideas in a paper because I don´t remember the vocabulary, in addition, I don't have clarity about what I mean. on the other hand when I read a text I can understand the principal idea, I search in the dictionary the unknown words to increase my vocabulary. I think that for learning english is important the dedication and practice daily moreover use different helps as read interesting books, write in the free times also ask the teacher.

  6. Good Night! My name is Tania Alejandra Nieto Espinosa, I am nineteen years old and I study Modern Languages because I really like to travel and to know new cultures. I like to watch movies, especially romantic stories. Also, I like to listen to music and to share with my friends. Moreover, my family is the most important because of they always help me. I have two brothers, they are my unconditional support.
    On the other hand when I am learning a foreign language, my strength is that I am a dedicated person in my learning because of I always try to learn new things every day to improve my knowledge, but my weakness is that I often can't express my ideas. In addition, when I have to read a text, I try to find the unknown words but sometimes I need a long time to understand it. On the other hand, I really like to write different texts but I think I need to learn more about grammar and punctuacion rules. To sump up, is important to know that each person can use different strategies to improve their learning but personally, I believe that learning new vocabulary, grammar and the main rules to write we can develop our skills.

    1. we always say 'good night' when we take leave from, it is better to say good evening.

  7. The mirror´s messages
    she in front of the mirror , she watches your reflection; She is Angela, she lives in Tunja, but she was born in Sogamoso city. She enjoys the peacefulness of nature, go for a walk, the lively music, and the art. She likes the social movies based on real events or the comedy kind. In your free time, she draws, reads, or she makes handicrafts. When she travels to Sogamoso, she meets with a group of friends called “Pasión Extrema”, where she sings, prays and analyses the bible passages.
    The image of the young disappears from the mirror. Now she just watches two words strengths and weakness in the learning English as foreign language. She worries because of her careless, and quickly with paper and pencil she makes a list. She thinks her greatest weakness is to speak it, also understand this language when she listens it; she is insecure or pressured, she sometimes stays with the mind in blank; then she searches songs and tales, where the words are spoken slowly, but she must do more things like think in English, and immediately search vocabulary she needs, in addition, get with spaces and peoples that find her mistakes and finally, they give her some advice. When she finds your mistakes, she must write and read the right way, in addition, she improves her reading and writing.
    On the other hand, if she understand the listening, read is easier. Reading is related to writing, because from she reads, learns to write; also she must search English friends to chat.
    To sump up the learning of a new language should be a fun process, where she listens it to speak it, she speaks to read it and she reads to write it; where her memorization of words and sentences used according to context allow to improve her fluently in the four areas.
    She folds the paper and she sticks it on the mirror, she thinks the mirror is her tutor who it will advise about her way of learning


  8. Brayan José Forero Gomez - 201310045
    My name is Brayan José Forero Gomez, I am nineteen years old, I was born on 02-10-1994 in Santa Barbara, San Pablo de Borbur located on the north west in the Department of Boyacá, but I lived all my life in Chiquinquira Boyaca, there live all my family, I studied in the on institute technical industrial Julio Flores on Chiquinquira and because of the university I traveled to Tunja .
    I love many thing, like chatting with friends, drive cars, read books, I love go out to buy clothes in addition buy books and travel with my parents too for my beautiful country, on the other hand I hate stay in home, and the snails.
    I love the salads, chicken, and meet on the other hand I hate the pork because it is so greasy.
    I love the music, but my favorite kind of music it is the electro, dance, trance and techno because I feel many beautiful things when I listen this kind of music.
    I love read stories about mythology and fantastic stories like Narnia or the lord of the rings, all about fantastic worlds, my favorite book it is the Omero’s Odyseey.
    My strengths are to learn English I speak is easy and I have very good comprencion of words but my weakness is that when I write is difficult because make some drafting errors and poor spelling on some things, to sum up I think that I need start to read and write more in English to overcome my weaknesses.

  9. My name is Daniela Lucia Alfonso Colmenares,I'm from Macanal, Boyacá, I'm seventeen years old, I live in Tunja and study in pedagogical and technological university in Colombia, I am in third semester of degree in modern languages. My hobbies are listening to music, singing, reading my favorite books, watching movies, eating and traveling. At this time of my life, my interests are get good grades, learn a lot and end my career. My strengths as foreign language learner are my constancy, my great interest in learn languages, my insatiable curiosity in the new situations and the different things, my great dream of travel because met new cultures is very important to me, learn different traditions and customs is really fascinating; but I have many weaknesses; my constant fear, my little confidence in me... But the strengths are most important and I need practice and surpass that weaknesses.At time of reading I'm very retailer, I love find the most little details and understand every part of the text... Though for moments I lose the concentration and forget some things.At time of writing I'm so creative, I love it so much! I have ideas very originals and differents, generally I write extensive and specific texts.I can use tools to foster my language learning, dictionaries, exercises, books, and work. Is very important practice, be responsible, constant and happy with our work.

  10. Laura Katherine Silva Nova2/23/2014 8:16 pm

    Hello! My name is Laura Katherine Silva Nova, I am eighteen years old. I am from Capitanejo - Santander, but I live in Tunja with my family. I am a student of Modern Language in the UPTC, I am in third semester of this carrer.I like to play ping pong, ride a horse, speak with my friends, watch tv like: movies, telenovelas and entertainment and diversion programs, I love share with my family, mainly whit my niece. To sum up, I love my Life. On the other hand, my interest in this subject are: read and understand the different activities, learn more vocabulary, use the English language more often in my Daily Life, write more paragraphs in English and speak English more often.
    On the other hand, my strenghts when I learn a language are: my dedication, responsibility and discipline during and outside.of class. In addition, I am persevering and I like to get good results. My weaknesses when I learn a language are: understand when someone speaks in English, because of, I feel that they speak very fast, I organize my ideas in my head, but I am slow to say them.
    And finally I think that I must practice my pronunciation, the vocabulary that I have learned, with more often, to learn new vocabulary every day and practice this vocabulary learned.

  11. Hello every one! My name is Angie Katherine Vargas Jerez, I’m from Barbosa –Santander, I’m 18 years old, I live in Tunja; and I’m in 3rd semester of modern languages. I’m interested in learn more each day something new, and follow studing about this degree course, I want will can a good teacher in a University or in a School, and I want travel to others countries. I love skate, too I love dance, I like listen to music, I like watch action and comedian movies with my friends, I like swim; I hate cooking, and I don’t like eat red meat.

    In this paragraph I want to tell about my strengths and my weaknesses, well I think my greatest strength is my good pronunciation or so I’m told, and in addition sometimes my good listening; and all too clear as I have my weaknesses because no one is perfect; my weaknesses are certainly many as for example my poor fluency maybe for my lack of vocabulary I don´t know, I feel so sad when I don’t know a word; now, when I reading think than I don’t have strengths, but in the other hand I have many weaknesses such as my bad reading comprehension, and I feel very confused when I don’t know the meaning of the words and the context of sentences. In my writing my weaknesses are my lack of grammar, my poor knowledge of punctuation rules; and I think I don’t have strengths in my writing because of my lack of vocabulary but sometimes I defend. I think than a good strategy for improving my reading and writing is learn every day new vocabulary; in to sum up I think than we should more informed about the English culture and learn more about English grammar because this is very important when I reading and writing and for all we need the English today.
    Thanks for your attention and I hope yours comments.

  12. Hi, every one!
    I’m Tatiana Mendivelso so I’m studing modern language. I'm from Sativasur. Now, in my free time, I do a lot of things for example I like listen to music, I like to travel, I love to eat broaster chicken and I like read books. I don't like run so I hate hypocritical people.
    I yearn to graduate me and continue with my studies and finally I want to travel around the world. Thas' it!

    In this space I will tell you about my strengths and my weaknesses because I think that is a important topic for my life. On the other hand, now I tell you my strenghts as foreign language learner first is my writing because I know very well the structure of the words , second my pronunciation because I know the different sounds of the words and if you want to know what are my weaknesses are here: my speaking because my fluency isn't good, I don't think fast because of the lack of vocabulary knowledge. Now, when I read, I think that my weakness is fluency because in some cases I do not know the meaning of words and my strength is the pronunciation when I know the sounds of words, also When I write my weaknesses is the puntuation's rules, I don't have clear it! In addition for me the better strategie for fostering my lenguage learning is know more about the puntuation's rules or acquire more vocabulary for example we can learn 5 words every days , it's a good strategie!
    To sume up you must check more about the language grammar to mistakes when we speak, read, write and spell.

    Thank you for reading me! :)

  13. My name is Ana Maria Tovar Pinzón, I0m from Tunja, I'm eighteen years old, I was born on 16 of November of 1995, I live in Tunja with my parents Ruby Jackeline Pinzon and Omar Alberto Tovar, my sisters: Xiomara Tovar And Sarajuliana Tovar. My hobbies are to listen to music in especial rap genre, reading books, playing volleyball, talking with my friends and chatting. My strengths as foreign language learner are my strengths are that I want learning really, I like the English idiom, I have good pronunciation, I always want learn more and I like learn about other cultures and places.
    my weaknesses are not write correctly, I have flaws because of this grammar texts I write sometimes left with poor structurebut I really want to learn to do well, another of my weaknesses is that I get distracted easily when a topic is very extensive so I have to practice to improve my attention on something. In addition I can say that although it is hard for some things I can do well if I put interest in the subject on the other hand can say that if I chose this career to study is because I really like it and want to learn so I'm sure I can do it. Some of the tools they would use to assist in the process would be books, posters and flashy things. To sum up learning other languages is one of the things that most interested me and I think in this area can develop more skills.

  14. Hello Everybody...
    My name is Erika Morales, I am eighteen years old and I am from Paz de Ariporo – Casanare. I am study modern language in the UPTC University. My interests consist in: I like the Korean culture (their music, singers, dramas, language, architecture and food.), I love to be in live concerts, I love travel, I love to look ice skating and I like to learn new things about other cultures; and my free time, I dedicated it to read. On the other hand, I do not like see little animals and places with a lot of noise. In addition, I as foreign language learner, my strengths are: to listen to music and read is the better way where I can learn new vocabulary, and I can practice pronunciation. On the other hand my weaknesses are: I don’t know in what moment the mean of phrases or words changes,( their mean likes to say other thing); I can’t express my ideas in English because, sometimes I write prepositions that it’s not necessaries and so, I finish to writing in Spanish. But, I believe to improve we can use strategies such as: listen to music and read, because of we can increase our vocabulary and look other examples of how to write, to sum up is that in the music and books is where I can improve my foreign language.

  15. Hello my name is Erlenzi Quintero I was born in Velez, a place very nice located in Santander, I love to swim, play football, to walk, to dance, to sum up I love do exercise because of I am a dynamic and happy person, in addition I enjoy to travel at other new places, to know new people, different costums and cultures, for this reason I think that more than anything I need to learn to talk english soon because of I want to travel at Canada with my family I know that I have to study hard all the time for get it, although for it is necessary to know very well the weakness and strengths in my case I have some problems when I want to write something because can not remember well how is written it, also I see some strengths when I listen and read because I can understand many words it, thanks that lately I listen more TV in english the other hand I always want to be best then I am happy when each day can to learn and to teach the same.

  16. Raúl González2/24/2014 10:55 am

    Hello everybody!! My name is Raúl Andrés González Saavedra. I live with my parents, my sister, my nephew and my dog. I'm from Tunja. I'm 20 years old. My hobbies are reading, practice some sports such as weight lifting, socer, rugby, shooting sports and anything related with racing, I like to read, watch movies, listen to music, writing and some other things. My interests for the semester are keep improving my english level in all senses and keep learning more vocabulary, expressions and helpful things for my development as person and professional. I like rock, pop, classical, instrumental, electronic and colombian music in general. My strengths are many in fact... I consider that I'm good for speaking, reading and thinking, I have a lot of vocabulary in my mind already and in adition, I'm good for listening stuff. My real weakness is writting, I'm not very good for it... I usually make some mistakes of grammar and structure when I'm writting. Because of that I don't like too much writting, but, I know it's a important ability so, I MUST IMPROVE IT!! On the other hand I spect to be an important member of the class 'cause I like to participate a lot and to speak! My strategies to learn are different, I'm good memorizing, and practicing, also I have a ability to english, is that for some reason I can learn it, faster than any other language even spanish, so my best strategy at the end is just be organized amd studious. Thank for the opportunity and I hope this semester to be really fun, joyful, interesting amd profitable to all the teacher, my classmates and my self! Godspeed!! :D

  17. 你好!! (*´・v・)

    My name is Ángela Galvis. I am 19 years old, almost 20. I like everything about Asia culture. I use to read about it, to listen to music from there, to dance and to eat typical Chinese and Korean food ヽ(*≧ω≦)ノ. In my free time, I like to play guitar, to read books such as: El mundo de Sofía, Rayuela, Historia de Cronopios y de Famas, El Manuscrito Encontrado en Accra and stories in English where I can find new vocabulary and so on. As a foreign language learner, is obviously that I have more weaknesses than strengths. But I consider I am better at reading than listening because when I don’t understand some words, I can use the dictionary and find out it, but when I am listening some records or people, I can’t do it. Because of I like reading I can understand everything unless there are words I don’t understand, but in the case of writing, I get confused with some slangs like: “Went off”, “Get down”, “Shutting off” because I don’t know in what case I can use those slangs. So, that is my weakness. The same happens when I use “By” and “for”╥﹏╥. In addition, I use to repeat words in a text and I would like, to improve my reading, read everything in English so, in that way, I can believe that my brain is in a city where everybody speaks in this language. On the other hand for writing skills, I think I have to practice, and practice and if punctuation rules are the same for English and Spanish, I believe I can improve my writing.

    To sum up, I hope this course can full my expectatives since I am so interested in write in the correct way and get more skills to understand faster all the text.


  18. Isabel contador is my name,I am nineteen years old ,I'm from Motavita.I study modern languages ;because I want to travel a other countries and to speak english without any difficulty.I practice sport , I play soccer and ride bicycle for to start.In addition I like read book a great teaching let me.On the other hand my weakness are: I don't use the right words when I'm writing because to the lack of good methodology of education in my scool.
    but I have a good concentration and a good comprehension when I'm reading in anyone place. I write many ideas for after to choose the best ideas and write a coherent text.To sum up, I think than for to learn another languages, I need a good memorization ,practice much dialogues,listen audios ,but it is best to try and to try again . find english- speaking friends .

  19. Hi everyone... My name is Paola Niño, I´m 25 years old, i´m living in Tunja, but i´m from Duitama. I used to practice basketball, listen music and dance. I was studying Preeschool Education at the UPTC, and after a year and a half i decided to change my career for Modern Languages. I would like travel and lear more languages. I´m really interesting to travel around the world, to know other cultures, and their life styles. I would like to study international bussisness administration if is possible in other country.
    On the other hand i think is very important for our country to know other language, we are in a competitive environment, and for that reason we have to study. On the other hand i think is very important for our country to know other language, we are in a competitive environment, and for that reason we have to study and approach the habilities to teach the english as a second language. During the learning process we will find many weaknesses and some times it will be hard to understand something, in special with the vocabulary but we as a future teachers we have to study and learn much vocabulary as possible. The reading comprehension could be difficult if you do not have the vocabulary level. I think the most important tip to learn a language is the vocabulary and of course the grammar. Perhaps the previos aspects i mentioned are a complement with all the skills such as: listening, reading, speaking.
    For people who are learning a second language would be difficult to learn too much vocabulary so is necessary to practice and improve daily.
    I hope to learn more in this course and give all my knowledge and share it with my partners.

  20. hi, my name is Liliana Cifuentes and i am seventeen years old, I live in tunja and I study modern languages in the UPTC because I like the english; I like the sports and my favorite is volleyball, I like watch tv, I love the movies and I like listen to music. Some weaknesses are the attention and the comprehension; I believe that the foreign languages be learned with patience and dedication; on the other hand the reading and writing be achieved whit practice. So as to learn english we can use more exercises of reading and writing, and more strategies how use the language. To sum up to sum up i hope learn new forms for transmit the language to my future students.

  21. Hi partners!, I'm JHON ANDERSSON FAJARDO BOHÓRQUEZ, i'm 25 years old,i like to play soccer and in my free times i practice two of my fouvorites sports:motocross and bike trial,i like to eat vegetables such us onion and mushroom on the other hand i like the fruits such as apple,grapes and pear,in addition i like to cook,my favourite dishes are lasagna and spagetty, i'm come from Barbosa (Santander),it's located to 1 hour by bus,there i live with my parents(on weekends); they are Lelio Jose y Gladys but i travel all the weekends to visit them, now i live here in tunja with a friend and my cousing in the same apartment,my family is made up by five members with my brothers;they are José Luis and Yeiman Leandro,they are 23 and 21 years old respectly,i'm the older,some years ago i studied 6 semesters of laws and also 4 semester of engeneering chemical bots at the UIS(UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER),but then i decided to study modern lenguages at the UPTC because i want to learn about the lenguages traveling arround the world knowing new cultures and new peoples and i know that i can get it,my strengths are writing and reading because is very easy for me but i have weaknesses in grammar,in this subject i have some difficults,i think that we can use some strategies to improve such as watch movies,read books and practice speaking with my friends all the time, to sump up,i hope in this semester with this subjet the teacher can to help us in this procces,help us to improve our wekness and change these for skills in some aspects,such as listening,reading,writting,pronunciation and fluency so i would like that this class will be funny and in this way we'll can to get new experiences and knowledges

  22. Hi everybody!! I´m Lorena Ramírez. I enjoy the mystery books, it’s very nice for me go to dance and I like to share with my friends. My principal hobbies are: the writing, the music, and the movies specially horror movies. I love to cook, for example dishes like: Beef, shellfish and spaghetti are my favorites. I think English is similar to cook, because you have to improve a lot of things frequently and you need to look for new things every day to increase the level. I love English and think my strengths as foreign language learner are; the pronunciation and the reading because of I like to watch movies in English and I try to put subtitles in English too, it help me to improve my pronunciation and maybe my vocabulary. On the other hand my weaknesses as English student usually are: writing and listening, the first because I don´t know some grammar and the second because sometimes I have to repeat a tape many times because I don’t understand very well.
    When I read, I try to understand the main idea, but when I don’t know some word, I search the meaning because it’s a strategy to improve my vocabulary; in addition, I can see what the pronunciation of this word is and maybe can see an example.
    To sum up, reading and writing aren’t very easy but if you spend time to practice, and use the best way to learn English, you can be better. Some simple and good strategies that I think can be useful for me to foster the language learning are: Enjoy wonderful music in English and try to understand, watch movies in English sometimes with subtitles in English too, read interesting books to increase grammar, vocabulary, and speed to read.

  23. Hi every one
    my name is Karen Viviana Bernal and i am seventeen years old, I live in tunja and I study modern languages in the UPTC, I am from turmeque, I like the sports and my favorite is basketball, I like watch tv, I like listen to music, and like went to walk in the park. One weakness for to learn is that I don´t like read and the attention and the comprehension, for me is complicated the oral report and conjugation at write. We can use copies or see a movies for be best in the profession. I have read and write in my free time; for learn more and I can help to the people.  

  24. My name is Diego Camargo Riaño, I am 23 years old, I live in Tunja with my grandmother.I like movies, and some t.v shows, In my free time I like to do a lot of sport, but my favourite activity is soccer, and also the swimming, I am studying Modern languajes, but after I try with other carrers. I think that my main problem when I am writing is find new works for a better text, in addition i don't know much vocabulary, and when i am reading it is difficult for me, the meaning of some words. i think that a very usefull tull, is try to read text in english and practice my vocabulary and on the ather hand, see movies in english works a lot. to sum up I need to improve my english, because i have a lot of troubles.

  25. Hey!

    My name's Erika Alejandra Sanchez Becerra, I'm 18 years old, I'm from Duitama ( I live there on vacations and weekends), during the week I live here in Tunja. My interest are music, sing and learn to play the guitar, about my hobbies are swimming, listening to music, cooking and sometimes drawing. In addition I love Hardcore music and punk rock, because not everyone hears it; just a few of us understands the message that the bands wants to show us with their lyrics, so thats why I love my kind of music.
    About my english strenghts there's three sides about it, the first one is as foreing language learner, in this case is important for me improve those skills talking, listenig to english music, and listenig english programs; on the other hand is the reading honestly reading I don't have any strenghts; and about writing my strenghts are my punctuation and sometimes the easy way to express my ideas.
    My weaknesses as foreing language learner are that sometimes I'm a little bit lazy studing vocabulary, as reader are that I don't use dictionary, when I'm reading I prefer to understand the unknown words associeting them, to sum up as writer my grammar sometimes fails and I confuse the words, because of those word could be seems like another ones.
    My strategies are just listenig to music, and talk with my friends, and sometimes singing to practice pronunciation.

  26. I am looking for a book, I think it was called "Calculating Cal", a wonderful counting book, braille database management and print with fabulous raised lines and shapes. Anyone know where this is?
